Chapter 34: Deaths And Undescribable Pain

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*I saw Robby draw out his weapon. A lethal knife. He threw it.

I heard a scream and heard the impact of a body falling on the floor.*

I turned to my side and felt my whole world shatter.

The knife had hit Kate.

I thought back to the time when Kameron had lost a fraction of his calm when Kate broke her leg. At that time I remember thinking to myself that that would probably be the last time I ever see him lose his calm, even if it was for a fraction.

I was wrong.

Kameron raced to Kate's side and dropped to his knees. The knife was plunged into her heart. He placed her head on his lap and began to cry out.

"Kate. Kate. KATE. Please. Please wake up. Kate. Please don't do this to me. Kate please. Please. Don't." Kameron cried, tears running down his face. His calm was thrown out the window. He looked terrified.

He started to shake her shoulders. "Kate please. Kate. I need you. Don't leave me please. We're a team. I need you to tease me. I need you to make me angry and prank me. Please KATE."

Her eyes fluttered open and she coughed. Kameron looked at her "Thank God. Kate, stay with me. We'll make it through this, I promise. I promise I'll protect you."

She coughed and gave a weak smile. "You've always protected me. You'll always be my hero." She said. She looked very pale and that's saying a lot since we're naturally pale.

She took off something and placed it in Kameron hand. He looked at it. "No." he demanded. "Don't give it back to me Kate. Please, I need you. Your my twin, pleeee-eease."

Sinaya slowly bent next to Kameron. She grabbed Kate's hand and kissed it. "Please Kate. I need you here. Don't leave. I'll never find another sister that will annoy me. Please Kate."

I didn't know what to do. I stood there, crying.

"Kate, I swear if you die on me I'll kill you." Kameron said. Kate smiled. "I love you, brother. I love all of you."

"KATE. Please, please." Kameron started to sob. He looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Mickey, please do something."

I took out The Great Book and looked through spells. But I couldn't find one.

"Mickey. Hurry up!" Kameron demanded.

"I'm trying. I'm trying." I cried.

Then I spotted a spell. "Move. All of you." I said. I was about to start reading when Jared interrupted me

"Oh no you don't. It's her time to leave this world." And with that he waved his hand and Kate started to float.

"Stop that. Stop." Kameron demanded. But it was too late. Kate vanished with the knife still plunged in, taking her life.

At that moment, the feeling of pity I had for Robby vanished. All I wanted was revenge. All I wanted was blood. His blood.

I took out my weapon and charged. And I wasn't the only one. Gomin was running to my right side and Kameron to my left. Sinaya was also to Kamerons side. Only Rodger stayed behind, shocked that his beloved brother had done this to his baby sister.

We ran and slammed against an invisible wall. We all fell and groaned, blood running down our nose.

King Jared smiled.

I looked at Robby. "How could you?"

He looked shocked, his eyes full of anguish. "I-I didn't mean to, I swear."

"Shows over. Bye." Jared said placing a hand on Cole and Robby's shoulder.

"I'll find you and I promise I'll kill you." Kameron swore right before the three disappeared.

There was complete silence.

I heard the door open and footsteps running. I turned around and found my parents and a bunch of people. James, Jordan, their parents, Lorain, Levin. I saw Kent running towards Sinaya with a look of pure joy and lift her up.

"Are you guys ok? We were so worried!" Tara said, giving me a hug.

I didn't return the hug. "Honey, it's fine. You did it. Everything will be ok." she said.

I didn't reply. Nothing will ever be ok.

"Where's Kate?" Someone asked. I looked and saw Chase. Oh no.

Everyone looked around and saw Kameron on his knees, his shoulders shaking. He was sobbing uncontrollably. Chase walked up to him slowly. "Where's Kate?"

This caused Kameron to cry even more. I can promise you, the sight of a boy crying was heart breaking. But of a boy who never loses his calm, crying over his dead twin sister was beyond heartbreaking. There was no word used to describe the pain.

Chase shook his head. "No. No. Answer me! WHERE IS SHE?"

No one said a word. I was crying along with Gomin. Sinaya was sobbing into Kent's shoulders. Roder was sitting, dumbfounded that he lost his baby sister and baby brother.

Everyone understood. I looked at my parents, their face full of anguish. Losing their daughter like this.

Kameron continued sobbing.

I turned away from the sight and spotted something. It was the object Kate gave him that he demanded she don't. He must have dropped it when he tried to attack Robby.

I walked over and picked it up.

It was the necklace he gave her for Christmas.

Nothing will ever be the same.
(A/N). Don't kill me!! I already died while writing this chapter. I know I'm a monster. I cried writing this. Until next time, take care😢❤

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