Chapter 17: The Orb

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Chapter 17: The Orb
"Hey Miranda, didn't you say that you would be meeting up with your friends?" King Destin asked.

"Yup." she replied.

"Well, your dismissed so you can go." he said.

She squinted her eyes and gave him a suspicious look. "Ok?" she said. She said bye to all of us and left.

"Ok. I didn't want her to be here...well she's only 13. I wouldn't want Mickey here either but..., its about the prophecy." King Destin said.

"Oh."I said. I didn't know what else to say.

"Look, Robby will be 19 not long from now..." King Destin began but was interrupted by Tara.

"Ha not really. Uh he's birthday is not that near."she said nervously casting her eyes towards me.

I sighed. "His birthday is on January 12."

Sorak gasped. "Who told you?"

"That's not important. You should have told me." I said, suddenly feeling angry.

"We're sorry. But we didn't want to pressure you." Tara explained.

I took a deep breath. "Ok. Anyway, what were you saying Destin?" I asked.

"Well it's almost his birthday and well...we need to find a solution. The only person who can help is Mickey and she's 14. In 5 years she will be gone as well and we won't be able to do anything." he said.

The room grew silent. "Well, just in case we don't fix it, is it possible that maybe the people of Charilot can have the Laringtons or Carsims as their rulers?" James asked. He suddenly seemed interested.

King Philip sighed. "You know that's not possible. The spell that Charlotte made..."

Queen Linda looked at me. "Do you know what to do?" she asked.

I looked down. I couldn't tell them about the letters or the bracelet. I didn't want to take the chance.

"I don't. But I heard about The Great Book and I was wondering, maybe there might be a spell that can get Sinaya and Rodger back and stop this curse." I said.

"Oh ya. The Great Book. But it's been missing for a very long time. There isn't a living person today whose ever even seen it." Queen Ella said.

"And even if we did find it, we still need the bracelet which has been lost ever since the Malign made the curse." Sorak said.

"Well...we have another problem." Kind Destin said.

"What problem?" Tara asked.

"The Orb." King Destin said.

Everyone suddenly looked scared. I was confused because I didn't know what that was.

"Can someone please explain what that is?" I asked.

"The Orb is an object that we created. It's used to see if there was balance between good and evil." Queen Linda said.

"I don't get it."

"Ok. It's this circular object. Half is red which represents the evil and half is white which represents the good." James said.

"Ok." I replied.

"Before the war, the red side became bigger and we were worried. We ended up almost losing and a prophecy was made. But it started to subside and the white and red became equal again." Queen Ella said.

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