Blood Ritual

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The next morning I ate breakfast in my room alone. I did not keep Misayo around if she wasn't necessary and when she asked me what I would like to do I simply told her I would like to be left alone. She made sure to bring food and drink throughout the day. I ate nothing she brought me. I spent the day at my desk sketching and writing, or at least pretending to like I did when I was younger and my mind was somewhere else.

The air from my window turned colder and the sound of crickets began to fill my room when I was awoken by my door sliding open quit forcibly. Standing there in the door was a very frightened Nobunaga along with Hideyoshi and Ieyasu with Misayo looking worried behind all of those broad shouldered warlords.

Nobunaga came to my side. "Your handmaid said that you collapsed and that she wasn't able to wake you. She also noticed some blood from where you had been seated. Will you allow me to carry you to your futon so Ieyasu can observe you?" His carnelian eyes were full of worry. I weakly nodded yes.

He scooped me up in his strong arms and my head fell against his shoulder. He smelled like sun kissed skin, embers and jasmine flowers.

Once I was resting on the futon Ieyasu asked if he could check below my skirts for injury. I hesitantly nodded before turning away from everyone inside my room now. Misayo came to my side and held my hands as the physician checked and I tried to not make things difficult for him.  Hideyoshi stood outside of the doorway looking out in the hallway. Nobunaga was standing in the doorway, facing Hideyoshi and I could hear the reassuring words of the devils right hand.

I felt sick and dizzy. When Ieyasu was finished his investigation he stood and cleaned his hands in a nearby bowl of water. "Would you like to hear my findings in private princess?" He asked.

"Just spit it out Iyesu. Is she okay?" Nobunaga barked at his vassal. I was too dizzy and sick to care who else heard.

"I can confirm that you are not pregnant." I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "You should rest and eat for the next few days. I'm going to assume that you and your handmaid know how to care for you during this time and that you won't ignore the food she brings you anymore." With that the healer left and Hideyoshi followed him.

"I'm going to gather some supplies my lady, and a meal. Is there anything else I can do?" He eyes looked hopeful.

"Sake." Was all I could think of.

She left to grab what we needed to care for my body and although my back was to him I could feel his presence in the doorway. Tears began to spill from my eyes and with each one of his steps growing closer to me the tears built until they turned to sobs.

He sat at the edge of the futon and waited patiently for the crying to subside.

"Rina—" his voice was tense and cracked.

I rolled my upper body towards him. He looked tormented.

"What does this mean?" His stare was hard and his eyebrows knit like he was trying to fight off any hope incase I pulled away.

I rolled the rest of my body over to be completely facing him. "Oh right, you want my final answer."

"Yes. Will you stay by my side?" He asked.

I closed my eyes, trying to think through the intense cramping in my lower abdomen. "If you'll still have me—" Whatever else I was going to say was swallowed up by the most gentle kiss and a rough, war torn, hand lightly pushing hair behind my ear.

Unlike any other time I went through these pains, I had many visitors. It was embarrassing and uncomfortable to be bleeding while discussing wedding plans.

It wasn't the women that bothered me though. It was Nobunaga. He wanted to be by my side as we discussed and planned.

"I wish you would leave me alone until this passes." I said while taking an afternoon snack. Misayo had left us alone to grab some more water and towels.

He looked so at ease when he spoke. "I'm not bothered by blood."

"This isn't from battle." I huffed before popping an orange slice into my mouth.

"I beg to differ." He sipped his tea. "I think this was one of the most intense battles I've come through. I nearly lost a rare and beautiful woman to it s well." The gentle smile on his lips and ease in his eyes where appealing to me, especially in these moments.

Suddenly a cramp twisted my insides and I braced myself on the table. His strong warm hand found my small clenched fist and took it in his. Even after the cramp passed he held it.

"You should be seeing any of this." I said once I regained my breath. They were always this bad this early in the process.

He laughed. "It's incredible to watch you focus on wedding planning and trying to get me to leave all while your insides rip and tear at you. I'm not sure it's something I could handle with so much strength."

"Honestly, why are staying by my side through this? I dare say you're the only man in the world who's done this." I winced as another small stabbing feeling threatened my posture.

He leaned back on to his elbows and looked up at the ceiling looking for an answer to my question. "I'm not entirely certain. I feel like Hideyoshi right now; worrying about your wellbeing, but incapable of being able to remove the source of it. He's like that for both of us you know?" He turned to look at me.

"I'm aware of his devotion to you." I smirked as I reached for an apricot.

"And to you." He added.

I leaned forward on the table and whispered. "I don't think we are alone anymore." I pointed to the door where I could see the edge of a shadow. "Do you think it's the worrying monkey? Trying to be near by us in case we fall?"

He laughed again. "No. Hideyoshi is at his estate interviewing woman to be potential wives." My heart stung a little at his words. His voice lowered as he rolled onto one elbow towards me. "I believe that is your handmaid listening to us. She seems quit invested in our romance."

Sure enough the shadow shifted and Misayo appeared. "My apologizes." She bowed before shuffling about the room.

Nobunaga stood to leave. "I'll be back later is there anything you need?"

"Books." I mumbled.

"What kind of books?" He asked sounding excited that there was something he could do for me.

"I read a record and accounts of some of your battles and the tactics you instilled. It was... illuminating..."

He looked shocked. "You read about me? While you were actively trying to push me away?"

"The best way to hurt someone is to know them..." my head was down and I mumbled again.

He laughed again. "I can arrange for you to discuss tactics with Mitsunari if you'd like."

"No. Not right now. One man seeing me in this state is more than enough embarrassment for this life time thank you." The slow building of another wave of cramps was building inside me.

"You could exchange letters along with his recommendations on books and scrolls. You should be fully distracted from your current battle." The smart smirk on his face was something I could get used to.

"Fine. Fine." I waved my hand trying to get him to leave so Misayo could help me change and provide me with comforting back rubs.

"Wonderful." He said as he left my chambers with a slight hop in his step. If he had a tail it would probably be wagging. "I will arrange it now." As he closed the door he watched me clench the futon as the wave of nausea and internal twisting ripped through me. When I looked back at him, the door slowly closing his eyes were so full of admiration and intrigue I could feel him holding back the words of love and adoration that I was still struggling to accept.

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