Here with You

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If there had been any warmth in my body before that door opened, it was quickly pulled from me when I stepped into the brothel. The room I enter directly past the small area where I assume an attendant usually greets the men, is similar to an audience chamber. The seating is in shadows and the center is illuminated by several lanterns, revealing chains and cuffs hanging from the ceiling, and blood stains the mats where the ends of the chains pool.

Kenshin's monotone voice cuts through the frigid silence. "I'm so glad you could join us Rina. I was starting to get bored of your sister."

The lump that had been in my throat since I left Masamune and Mitsunari rapidly expands as my eyes adjust to see Kenshin on the other side of the chains from me with my youngest sister, Sueko. She sits at his feet like a dog, a tatterd rob hangs open and she is trembling. She only just turned thirteen. She should be looking for a husband, not looking like a beaten animal on the verge of death.

Kenshin stands and moves closer to the light and she crawls behind him, weak and slow. He has a chain in his hand connected to the collar around her neck, and when she doesn't keep up with him he pulls, and she whimpers as she is pulled to his side. Her skin should be creamy smooth, but she is covered, every inch of her is covered in bruises and red wounds, some of the bite marks look like they may be infected. Her neck is red and raw, the wounds inflicted by the collar never having a chance to heal as every breath and movement rubs the skin away. She slowly lifts her face, her once pristine face with bright green eyes that were so excited to fall in love and escape our small village last time I saw her, are now tired and bloodshot as she scans my features. "Rina?" Her voice is hoarse and shaky and I can here the doubt in her words.

I want to run to her, scoop her up and get her as far from this place. My eyes stay glued to her captor as I speak in a gentle tone to her. "It's me. Save your voice little one."

Kenshin is smiling, ear to ear, even as he speaks. "As you can see, there isn't much left of her for me to play with and I know when I've damaged vocal cords beyond repair, she's on the edge Rina."

My flames have started to spread over my hands as I speak. "Let her go. Once she's away from here, you and I can settle this war for good."

He laughs, too calmly. "Why would I just give up this little dog I have on a leash that keeps you subdued?"

I close my eyes for only a moment as I inhale. When I open I walk to the chains attached to the ceiling and poles of this building. "A trade?"

His smile somehow widens. "One ruined village princess for the Queen of Ruin? Deal. Signal your men to take her, because she doesn't leave these chains until you are shackled."

I exit the brothel and send a flame in the air and sit on the steps in front of the door to wait for Masamune and Mitsuhide to arrive, trying to focus on my controlled breathing and not on my shaking hands.

I only close my mind for a moment, hardly longer than a blink, but when I do he is there, a warm, proud smile, a hint of concern in his carnelian eyes as he approaches me, surrounded by large red camellia. His warm breath is on my ear as his smooth baritone voice whispers lovingly. "I'm here."

When my eyes open it all still feels real as I touch the ear he spoke into and tears begin falling. I wipe the tears away when I hear the men approaching. I explain best I can to Masamune and Mitsunari what will be happening, and request that as soon as they get my sister they leave this place as fast as they can, no rests, and get her to Ieyasu.

They both look worried as I hand Masamune both mine and Nobunaga's katanas for safe keeping. They try to come up with other options, each one is denied without reasons and they become frantic until I place a hand on each one of their faces. "This is the path I am choosing." I smile as my hands slip away from them and they bow.

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