While the Devil is Away

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Leaving the hot spring felt more like leaving home. Nothing was going to be that easy moving forward for the three of us. The staff there was discreet and well compensated for putting up with our messes. I had thought before if he just added himself to that scroll of bed warmers it wouldn't be complicated, but this is more than bed warming for all three of us and looming over all those emotions like a storm cloud is the fact that he needs to secure his own legacy and future.

Nobunaga and I agreed we wouldn't stop him from changing his family legacy. At the same time another woman carrying his child, a woman I will have to be in contact with probably more than I will see my two warlords, sounds like a chore.

We took a break half way back to let the horses rest, even though they didn't need to. As soon as we dismounted I went to Hideyoshi, wrapping my arms around his waist and Nobunaga was close behind me, throwing his arms around his neck. Hideyoshi wrapped an arm around each of us. Nobunaga's head rested on Hideyoshi's shoulder and he spoke in a low voice. "We're so selfish." I nodded in agreement as I squeezed him tighter and mumble. "We really are." Hideyoshi gently laughed at his two lovers who are punishing themselves for loving him.

Nobunaga lifted his head and I looked up, resting my chin on Hideyoshi's chest. Nobunaga sounded hopeful when he spoke. "I have a few arrangements in mind for your wife. They'd be advantageous political alliances for you."

I turned to Nobunaga. "And what of the girls? Do you know anything of them?"

Nobunaga sounded confused. "What do you want to know?"

A laugh was already starting to build in Hideyoshi's chest before I spoke. "What do your men say of these girls? What of their looks? The way they hold themselves in a room? You told me they all had something to say about me when we met, I assume at least Masamune has said something on each one's appearance?"

Hideyoshi stifled the laugh before it escaped with a cough. "No need to get so worked up Rina. I have my guesses who he's thinking, but even if I'm wrong, none of them are phoenixes or devil kings. There's only one of those per generation."

I puffed my cheeks. "That is incredibly flattering and unhelpful. You both may be blinded by my flames but you have no idea how another woman will respond and even if she is kept in the dark..."

Nobunaga sounded impressed. "Are you concerned about the damage such ravenous flames can have on tertiary people?"

Images from my nightmare flash in my mind. A feeling of horror filled me and Nobunaga noticed. He took one of my hands, mentally pulling me back to them. "Let us handle this arrangement."

Hideyoshi leaned down and brushed his nose to mine. His amber eyes fixed to mine. "I will consider your concern before making any decisions." His lips brushed over mine before enveloping my protests. My heart was still aching as his tongue explored my mouth, he must feel my unease, because he pulls away with a sigh. "I thought I was the worrier." Those words got a small laugh from me. He stood back up and turned to Nobunaga. "We should get back on the road."

After helping me on to my horse Nobunaga walked Hideyoshi to his and spoke to his vassal in a low voice. "I meant what I said back at the hot spring. Every night. Every possible night." Hideyoshi pulled him into a kiss that Nobunaga intensified and when they broke the blonde glanced back at me. When his eyes returned to Nobunaga he spoke with conviction. "Nothing will bring me more happiness than when we are together."

I adore his words, despite their naivety. I've seen how a man can change when he meets his child for the first time. I have no doubts that he will love his children, and I've seen men fall in love with their wives after they have given them a child. As we ride on to Azuchi I work to push these worries away and focus on our present. For right now he's still only ours.

The sun was low and the sky was turning orange and purple when we got to Azuchi. We were met at the gates by several vassals and servants. I felt unnerved by their expressions, especially Mitsunari's.

In place of the pleasant greetings we were expecting we were met with news of Mitsuhide's betrayal. The albino kitsune has been working with Kenshin for a long time, and concealing the size of the revived Echigo forces. My heart raged as I saw the pain that betrayal brought Nobunaga, even though he hid it from his me, I can see it, I can see the memories of his brother's betrayal replay in his mind.

Mitsunari, Masamune and most of the other vassals look devastated while Ieyasu is a darker cloud that usual as we enter the halls of Azuchi. They all took their turns reporting the bits of information they've gathered. I felt dazed as I listened, losing track of who said what.

"Less than half the spies we sent out to get a clearer understanding of his forces have returned—"

Nobunaga sounds rushed and irritated. "And what did they return with?"

Ieyasu's voice was low and haunting. "More than seven thousand."

My hand slid to Hideyoshi's and gripped it as we watched Nobunaga process the situation with his head slightly bowed. Last I heard the Oda's forces reached just barely over ten thousand. This will be close. I received a brief squeeze and he released my hand before anyone could see.

"There's something else my lord—" Mitsunari's voice displayed his nervousness. "A letter came for Rina earlier today— from Kenshin." He extended the letter to Nobunaga and it took a stern look from Hideyoshi for me to not reach for it myself.

He read it with knit brows and focused eyes that quickly turned darker and enraged. I tried to grab the paper from his hand but he turned to block my grab.

"Nobu!" I yelled.

He turned to me and looked up at Hideyoshi, only the two of us would be able to see the worry behind all of that anger and determination in those wine red eyes. He turned to Ranmaru. "Take her to the tenshu. Do not let her leave."

"Nobu! What does the letter say?" I lunged for him this time being caught by the dusty blonde pageboy who whispered. "Please. Trust him." Memories of our night with this pageboy flashed in my mind, and I settled back into my heels.

He walked behind me at a close distance as we made our way through the halls, only our footsteps and my heartbeat in my ears. I entered, and stopped the pageboy from entering behind me. "What do you know?" I turned to him full of anger.

"You should rest. It will be awhile before he comes to you." He tried to push into the room again and I shoved him back into the hall.

"You can guard me from out here. You weren't summoned here for pleasure so you have no business inside." I slammed the door closed.

I tried to calm myself as I walked to the balcony. From there I watched as the entire fortress was a buzz. I've seen this activity before; they are preparing to go to war.

A/N: Creation can be hard, votes and comments make it easier! 

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