Heaven and Hell

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I returned to the tenshu to rest to find Misayo and a few other servants packing some of our things into trunks.
Misayo fussed about me, apologizing for the room. It being clear for me and asking if I'd like snacks while I waited for them all to leave.

"No. I'm fine Misayo. I'd just like to be left alone for a bit until my husband returns from his meetings." I keep testing it out, calling him my husband. It feel oddly comfortable.

Misayo extended a note to me. "This came for you shortly after council." She bowed when I took it and then hurriedly returned to the packing, quietly instructing the others to hurry as well.

I sat at the desk and opened the note:

It truly was truly wonderful to have your presence in the council today and I hope you continue to attend.

I found some interesting scrolls on fighting techniques and assassins that I thought you would appreciate. I asked your handmaid to pack them for your trip to the hot springs. I also snuck in some of my favorite collections of legends and magic.

I hope that the two of you have a restorative time at the hot springs and look forward to reading your thoughts and questions from the reading when you return.


Ever since Nobunaga arranged for us to be in communication there hasn't gone more than a day without notes between us discussing the reading materials he provided for me. The violet eyed angel of the Oda's forces  and I had become close friends. I was still is student but he admitted to me in one of his notes that the way I question things has caused him to look at some of his tactics and plans from different angles "perhaps it's the female perspective" he had wondered in a recent note.

When I finished the note I placed it in a drawer for safe keeping. Misayo had taken it upon herself to collect the notes from the drawer when it could no longer fit the notes and keep them in a small chest. The other day she was close to complaining about the fact that the box would fill up soon.

I pulled some paper out to write my thank you and communicate that I would appreciate it if any other interesting books or scrolls can he send them to the hot spring.

When I finished writing the servants were taking the chests out of the room. I have the note to Misayo and thanked her for their fast work. "Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave you to rest?" She asked with a smile. She was smiling a lot since the wedding.

"No. Thank you Misayo." I waved her off before climbing into the futon.

I wanted to get some rest before the trip to hot springs but my mind was too busy to allow me to succumb to rest.

Hideyoshi wanted both of us. I don't doubt either of them being able to care for so much affection, but I had to search myself to see if that was something I could truly handle without being overwhelmed.

Nobunaga, the devil king of the sixth heavens and the man who I have happily given my heart and soul to. His determination and commitment to his vision for the future of Japan, the fire in his hungry red eyes. I not only want to be there to see him achieve that goal, I want to be by his side, I want to do my part to make it happen. He has the ability to draw people to action with that fire.

My mind began drifting into thoughts of the Nobunaga's kisses and how they warm my blood and makes me move. His hands leave trails of heat wherever he touches. There's something feverish about the way we touch each other.
As my thought turned to the way his tongue felt as he licked and his teeth grazing in my skin when he moved his way down, my hands drifted over my body. He moves me even when he's not near me.

One hand rested at my breast, slowly massaging while my other hand traced down my stomach and further. My fingers stay light on the sensitive outer gates. As I stroke and slowly part myself my mind plays the way he breathes my name hot in my ear and it's no surprise to me that I'm already wet and craving more.

As I press two finger to the sensitive pebble I try to imagine Hideyoshi. I've never felt his kiss, except on my forehead and her that kiss did tell me things. He will be attentive and, just like Nobunaga, care greatly about my pleasure.

When Hideyoshi held me by the pond I didn't feel fire. I felt calm, even with his emotional confession. I felt at ease in his arms and with his forehead kiss. It felt like a breath after holding my breath underwater.

What might it be like to share a bed with both of them? All consuming fire and steady consoling air. Heaven and Hell On one futon. Hideyoshi tending to both Nobunaga and I; the hungry devil kind and his thirsty Phoenix. Would we consume him?

I was lost in these thoughts, not even realizing that soft moans were escaping me when the door slide open and my fiery devil entered.

"Not exactly what I was planning to eat before we departed." He lay down next to me, kissing me deeply, adding to the fire I had already started.

I stopped my self gratification and he pulled away from the kiss. "You don't have to stop for me." He whispered into my ear before nipping my ear lobe.

"It was only a distraction while I waited for you. We can do plenty more when we get to the hot springs." I sat up and pulled my kimono down over my legs.

We ate in the tenshu, flirting shamelessly wether or not a servants were present. When we finished our meal we made our way to the gates where our horses are waiting for us along with Hideyoshi.

I managed to subdue the blush that threatened it's way to my cheeks upon seeing him. His eyes were focused on Nobunaga as we approached. A look I would have assumed was because of his loyalty before now filled me with a strange mixture of gratefulness, excitement and a hint of jealousy. When his eyes shifted to me for a moment the jealousy dissipated.

Nobunaga assisted me on to my horse and went to mount his own when Hideyoshi came to my side. "I hope you have a wonderful time." His eyes lowered and his voice as well.

"We will try. Although I'm wondering if we should have used that list again for this trip." I raised my eyebrow while keeping my voice just above a whisper.

His sigh and slow blink before he spoke was exactly what I wanted. Making him flustered was going to be my game now. "You're going to make me regret that list forever aren't you?"

I laughed, which brought Nobunaga's attention to us. "Making my bride laugh. Hideyoshi!" His smirk was perfection when he spoke. Hideyoshi looked concerned when he snapped his attention back to his lord.

Nobunaga smiled at me before continuing. "Remind me to reward you when we get back for such a gift to the world." Hideyoshi's cheeks dusted a soft pink as he lowered his head. Apparently my husband already plays this game with his right hand.

My eyes rolled as I huffed a laugh. "Should we go before you make people sick with your public shows of affection dear husband?" I laughed my words.

"Please be safe while your away. I will take care of everything here." Hideyoshi bowed as he waited for us to leave.

The further we rode from Azuchi the more an ache grew in my heart. I was looking forward to the hot springs and the time with Nobunaga. Leaders and warlords aren't usually so available with their time, but with the majority of the major regions under his control now may just be the only time to do this.

The sun was setting as we approached the inn by the hot springs where we would be staying. Our things and some a small number of guards had gone ahead of us. I didn't have a chance to hit the ground when I dismounted because of the strong arms that picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

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