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The second day of travel and training was harder, but eventually after our second rest and meal, I convinced Masamune to do one more session with me and landed two blows before he took me down. At this point I am sufficient enough to postpone another kidnapping long enough for someone to come help, the practice shots I've got in with the gun proves my aim, once adjusted for the gun's movement, is more than adequate. When we finally spar with the katana I was able to beat my sensei after only two defeats.

We arrive at my village tomorrow evening and my sensei believes I'm skilled enough to defend myself long enough for assistance to arrive. It's not my end goal, but for only two days of training, the men seem impressed. They also seem to be forgetting that I've been dancing nearly my entire life, and many of the dance movements I learned were based off of the movements used for these types of fighting, I even recognize movements for the katana from dances I've done.

At the meal this second night there were some grumbling from the men that they were disappointed they haven't seen me dance or sing yet on our journey. I offered to but Nobunaga did not approve. He told the men that "when the time is right they would get to see and hear the Devil's songbird again, but for now we all need to stay rested, alert, and focused."

After our meal Masamune agreed to spar again with the katana. I was quickly falling in love with this weapon. It feels like an extension of my body. Masamune believes that part of the reason I'm so effective with this weapon is the relationship I have to it. After practice he walked back to the tent with me. "Tomorrow... I won't have this kind of time to train with you... I'll be going ahead with the scouting party. I'm sure one of your men will be willing to spare with you though. If Toyotomi can see through your feminine charm he can be— terrifying with a blade. I doubt he'll get there with you though. Nobunaga won't be available either... nor will Mitsunari..." he sounds frustrated.

"Is Ieyasu not skilled with a Katana?" I ask, genuinely curious about what combat styles the prickly healer uses in battle.

Masamune rubs his forehead with a sigh. "He is skilled with a blade, but I wouldn't dream of allowing the two of you to spar."


He laughs. "It would never end. He fights like you. The blade is merely an extension of him and he's truly graceful. He's only ever been cut by one person..." his expression goes dark.


He looks up at me, anger flooding his features. "Mitsuhide."

We let the rest of the conversation fall away. I'm too exhausted right now to discuss the emotional toll that albino kitsune's betrayal has had on these men. When I enter the tent I crawl into the futon and drift into sleep.

I was woken up by the gentle tugging at my clothing. When I opened my eyes I saw both of my warlords there, unwrapping me from my attire. "What is this?" I ask groggily.

Nobunaga speaks slow and low. "I summoned him here to discuss what his scouts have reported back with." They both smile warmer than I've seen all day.

"That's right." Hideyoshi sounds excited. "And while we were trying to discuss such important things we were continuously distracted by the fact that you are sleeping in all of this day time attire after a long day of travel and training." They finally loosen the obi and a sense of relief washes through my ribs. As they continue to part the layers of my outfit I sit up and let the fabrics fall off my upper body and slide my arms out. That's when I notice the pitter patter from outside. "When did it start raining?" I ask before falling back to the blankets and lifting my hips for them to remove all of the fabrics.

Hideyoshi answers as Nobunaga brings his mouth to one breast and his hand to the other. "Not too long ago, it sounds like it is getting worse by the minute."

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