Chapter 4: A New Start

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An eerie silence consumed the surrounding moons of Jupiter before the convoy of Quantums arrived, each arriving separately. Almost immediately, the ships started to veer towards Jupiter as its gravitational pull was too extreme for the Quantum Arks to handle being so close.

Quantum-1 Captain: Everyone! Warp Drive! Now!

The ships sped off into space at unrealistic speeds simultaneously, but the last one to leave was the Quantum-7. E. Gadd was inside trying to power on the Transporter, but the ships warning lights were going off, signaling an overheating engine was spotted in the ship.

E. Gadd: (into radio) Commander, our ship seems to have lost Warp Drive capabilities for the moment. We will meet you by Saturn's rings.

Quantum-1 Captain: Stay safe out there, Quantum-7.

E. Gadd: Roger that, Quantum-7, out.

E. Gadd hangs up the transmission phone and let's out a loud sigh.

E. Gadd: (weakly) We're doomed...

Chris: No need to say that! We can go fix the transporter for you.

Swag: We will?

Chris elbows Swag in the chest.

Swag: Yes, I mean, we will do it.

E. Gadd: (sigh) Okay. But be careful. That thing could be over-heating and fry you instantly if you get too close to it.

Chris: What's the worst that can happen?

—25 minutes later—

Swag: Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm not touching that thing. My temperature readings are saying over 5,000 degrees Centigrade.

Chris: (sigh) What are we going to do now? We can't even touch the Quantum Transporter without killing ourselves.

The two guards stand there for a few moments thinking about what to do next. Then Swag gets an idea.

Swag: Chris, I know what to do.

Chris: What do you have in mind?

Up in the Launch Sectors of the ship, people were holding on to their seats waiting for the next warp drive.

Mario: (opening one eye) Are we gonna go yet?

Axol: I don't know, but I don't like the feeling that we are in trouble.

Luigi: I really hope not.

Tari: We can't have this happen just after our adventure on Mars.

Saiko: Speaking of Mars. (turns to Axol) What did you get back from your water tests?

Axol: I'm glad you asked! I found out that if we boil that water for exactly 13 minutes that it will become safe to drink. And how much did you collect, Luigi?

Luigi: About 8 gallons.

Axol: (sigh) It's something at least.

Mario: Can we boil it to drink? Imma thirsty.

Meggy: There is a water dispenser nearby just outside the room.

Mario: (complaining) It's too far though.

Bob: BiTcH pLeAse. I hAvE waLkeD FurTHer ThaN tHat BeForE.

Mario: Shut up, Bob.

SMG4: Come on, Mario. It's just a 10 second walk from here.

Mario: But what if we go into warp drive again?

SMG4 wanted to talk back to Mario, but decided against it as Mario had actually gave a good reason to stay seated.

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