Chapter 2: An Unwelcomed Acquaintance

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Mario and Meggy stood before a familiar looking face as they turned a corner. The two jumped back in surprise to see that it was Desti.

Desti: (Disgusted) Ugh, you two?
Meggy: (pauses) Hey, watch yourself Desti!
Mario: Yeah, Mario wants his spaghetti, so please, move aside.
Desti: Oh, I don't think I will.
Mario: I said move aside or (pulls out golf club) Mario's gonna do something very illegal.
Desti: (Sarcastically) Oh no, I'm so scared.  Come on you two, why keep training for splatfest when there's no point in competing in the splatfest when you've failed the past years' tournaments.
Meggy: Get lost, Desti. No one wants to hear you speak.
Desti: (swears in octoling) Fine, but don't expect me to go easy on you again. 

Desti starts to walk past them, but stops at Mario.

Desti: You know, it wouldn't hurt to ask you to join my te-
Meggy: I said get lost Desti! And Mario will remain on Splatsquad.

Desti rushes past them pushing down Meggy as she does.  Meggy lands on the ground with a thud.

Mario: (As he helps her off the ground) Meggy!  Are you okay?
Meggy: Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get out of here before we run into the rest of the Octoposse.
Mario: So that means spaghetti?
Meggy: (starting to laugh) Yes, Mario, that means spaghetti.
Mario: Hell yeah! Let's-a-go!

*A short while later at (name of Italian restaurant here)

Mario sits slurping down two plates of spaghetti as Meggy sits opposite of him with a plate of salad and tea.  Mario sat eating his spaghetti and noticed Meggy picking at her food.  Meggy never does that, Mario thought to himself. I should probably ask. No wait. That would be a bad idea, I've already caused enough for her today. No, yes, no. Screw it.

Mario: Uh, Meggy, are you alright?
Meggy: Oh, uh, yeah, I guess I'm fine.
Mario: Hmmm, that sounds like a lie to Mario.
Meggy: Really, I'm fine, Mario.
Mario: Mario smells bulls**t.
Meggy: Okay fine.  I'm just a bit dazed about earlier.
Mario: Desti really bothered you that much? Man, she got into your head again, Meggy.
Meggy: No, not that, before, at the aren-
Mario: (slightly blushing) Oh... that.
Meggy: Not that it was bad or anything. I just don't want to get crap because of it.
Mario: I understand.  You just need to train it off.

Meggy and Mario continue to chat over splatfest until it was time to head back to the arena.

Meggy: Well, thanks for the talk, Red. I think I needed it.
Mario: Anytime, Meggy. Glad to help out.
Meggy: Alright, date's ov- (catching herself quickly and blushing hard) I mean, lunch is over, time to head back to the arena and meet up with Tari and Luigi.
Mario: Alrightly then. (Pauses, trying to find a way to save the talk from going too far). ...Race you there!
Meggy: (slightly surprised) Oh it's on, Red!

After returning to the Arena, Mario, Luigi, Meggy, and Tari begin their last few sessions of the day.  Explosions are heard as grenades and bazookas were set off for hours.  They all trained into the night.  Meggy decided that they did enough training for the day.  And everyone went their separate ways. Except for Mario, he went and caught up with Meggy.

Meggy: (caught off guard) Red? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting back home?
Mario: Oh, I'm heading home, I'm just taking the long way.
Meggy: okay? And why?
Mario: Luigi's being a bi**h and I don't want to listen to him.
Meggy: okay. But really, why take the long route?
Mario: (defeated) You had a long day, Meggy, just thought you could use some company on your way home.
Meggy: (quite surprised) O-okay. (trying not to blush)

They walked in silence for most of the way back, until they ran into a very recognizable group of four octolings.

Desti: Wow, I'm never going to escape you two am I?
Mario: Just passing through, don't want no trouble.
Desti: Oh I think you came for trouble if you think you're getting away from me this time without a fight.
Meggy: (Tired of Desti) Seriously, Desti, not tonight.
Desti: Wha?! Not tonight?! Didn't I tell you that I wouldn't let you off that easily last time?
Meggy: Really, not tonight.
Desti: (draws weapon) Are you sure? Because I feel like shooting at something living tonight.
Mario: (Draws Gatling Gun) Oh I don't think so.
Desti: This isn't you'r fight, Mayonnaise.
Mario: (revving up gun) The names, Mario, Bi**h!

Mario lets the Gatling gun spray ink at the Octoposse. The octolings dodge out of the way and draw their own weapons and start firing back at Mario and Meggy.  Meggy then draws her own weapon and begins to shoot at the octolings, taking two of them out with ease.  Mario is faced yet again with Desti, her launcher held against his gun.  With all his might, Mario pushes back and knocks Desti off of him and into the ground.  Angered, Desti draws her aim from Mario to the distracted Meggy who was fighting the other standing octoling.

Mario: Meggy! Watch ou-


Meggy falls to the ground with a heavy thud, her splattershot Landing beside her.  Desti approaches her as she lay unarmed on the ground.

Desti: End if the line, Meggy.  It was nice being rivals-


Desti was flown over Meggy and landed in the street where she was tossed around by ongoing traffic. 

Meggy: Wh-What happened?
Mario: (Gatling gun whirring down) Did I hit her?
Meggy: Red! That was you who did that?
Mario: (confused) I-I think so. All I remember is firing blindly in her direction.

Meggy springs off the ground and envelops Mario in a tight hug.  Mario, not knowing what to do, let the Gatling gun gun fall to the ground and returned the hug.

Meggy: Thanks, Red.
Mario: For saving our asses from becoming sushi?
Meggy: Yes, and No. Thanks for helping me out there. Desti would've probably have taken me out for sure if you didn't come along.
Mario: Mario knew his Italian senses were tingling.
Meggy: (laughs) Come on, Red. Let's get going before they wake up.

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