Chapter 6: Aeterna

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Footsteps on gravel. What does it sound like? Is it the crunch of the Earth beneath you, or the kicking around of smaller stones and pebbles? A young Inkling girl walked along this gravel path, trotting her way to the main road where a bus would pick her up for her first day of Middle School. It was her very first time out of a great city called Inkopolis. She wasn't nervous, or scared. She was excited. Excited to finally leave the comforts of home and go on a broader adventure into the wilderness around her. No parents, no older or younger siblings, just herself. It wasn't uncommon for her to see some pretty strange looking people, because she was used to it. But on this walk, she met someone who was indeed very strange. It was a man, or at least, she thought it was a man who would forever change the course of her life, and she wouldn't even know it until later after she would move into the Mushroom Kingdom permanently. She remembered the man had stopped her by the intersection of the gravel road and an asphalt road. It was the spot where she was supposed to wait for the bus, and she hoped that she would be alone, but whoever this man was, he was interrupting her alone time. She nervously walked to her spot and waited for the bus, trying to ignore the presence of the man. He was unnaturally tall. His skin was ashen gray, and he looked like he was very strong for the wrinkles all over his skin. His arms looked super toned and she could see some veins partially poking through the skin. She gulped as he turned to face her. His eyes bothered her. He had one eye as black as night. It was almost interesting, if it weren't for the white, cataract plagued eye on the other side of his face. His eyebrow had a scar running through it which ran down through his eye and to his cheekbone. That must be what caused the white eye. The Inkling took a shy step away from the man when he started his way over to her. He knelt in front of her, still towering over her, and held out a hand. She was terrified to see that each finger had a long, sharp, pearl black claw as the nail. Maybe even his whole fingertip was the claw.

???: Don't worry, little one. I won't hurt you.

???: W-Who are you?

Travi: Call me Travi.

???: Travi? *giggles* That's a funny name.

Travi: What about you...little Inkling?

Meggy: I'm Megan! But my friends call me Meggy!

Travi: Well, Megan...I would just like to say that I see great potential in you.

Meggy: What do you mean?

Travi: I mean that someday, you'll serve a purpose far greater than you could ever imagine...

Meggy lay in her bed, thinking about this memory that she remembered. How could she be so naive? Let Traviere talk her into thinking she could be something great to cheer her up, when really, he meant that she would be used to further his own world into glory. She looked to her side and saw Mario sleeping peacefully beside her. His arm was draped over her and she held on to it with her hand. She stared up at the ceiling, wondering if she would ever have to face him again. If she did, what would happen? Would she succeed in defeating him? Or will she fall victim to his commanders again and become one of them? She looked at her hand holding onto Mario's arm and imagined that if she never let go of him, none of these worries would come true. If she never let go of Osiris, and raised him to give him a perfect life, she would be safe, even if all else failed, her, her family, and friends would hopefully remain safe from the outside forces constantly attacking them. She pushed herself over so she was leaning into Mario some more and closed her eyes. She was used to it by now, but she could never fully get used to the feeling of lying next to the one who loved her most. It always brought butterflies to her stomach and made her feel warm inside. It was a feeling of safety and peace. She felt something moving and looked towards Mario to see that he was now awake, and he was moving his hand through her hair, leaning into her himself. He gently kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her to pull her in closer to him. She never wanted to leave. It was all too perfect. Too loving. She leaned her head up until she was face-to-face with him and pressed her lips against his softly. She closed her eyes and savored the moment as best as she could. She never wanted to leave this spot, never relive another memory, never leave his side.

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