Bonus: Who Let The Chomp Out? IN SPACE!?

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Meggy was in her cell that SMG4 had escorted her to after the trial and was writing in her journal to pass the time. It has been eight days since she's seen any of her friends after the events of the trial and her possession. She was not becoming desperate nor angered, but now, lonely.

I don't even know how long I'm going to be in this cell because of this. I have no idea how many I killed back there in that room either. It hurts to know that I had to harm some of my closest friends just because I couldn't control my own actions because of Traviere. I'm especially worried on how I might of affected my relationships with the friends I still have. How will Tari feel about me being around? Will Saiko even accept me as a friend anymore? Bob and Boopkins already seem to hate me, so what's the point in talking them out of it? SMG4 says he only wants me in here for my own good, I don't agree with him. Bowser says that he's wasting his time if he locks me away, thanks Bowser. Those who are reading this already know that the Killer Ink team could not be happier that I'm locked away because now they don't need to worry about me anymore. I won't even start on how Leader feels. She's...I don't know how to describe it. The only way I can is that she is a huge pain in my ass every minute of my life. I wish I could just snuff her out from existence, but I don't kill for my benefit or even at all, Traviere is the one who makes me kill, and I hate every second that I need to watch, even if it's someone I could care less about. I'm really, really worried about Red though. I attacked him multiple times and watched every second of it. The worst part is: he never called me by Traviere...he called me by MY name. That really hurt me to hear and all I wanted to do was cry and fade away to let Traviere do the work on his own, but he forced me to watch every second of it as he threw him around and killed people around us to threaten him. I was able to get through once to him, but only for a brief moment before he took over and started chasing Mario around the ship. He was lucky to escape because I could feel Traviere's anger building inside of me. He wanted to just explode from anger that he couldn't catch this person. I remember laughing a bit at him and that's when I got control of my body again. But I wasn't out of the woods yet. Traviere materialized out of thin air and slashed me across the chest and I fell to the ground with blood starting to pool around me. I was worried that he had struck an artery of some sort, but he said that he still needed me alive and disappeared to not be seen again that day. I still have the bandage wrapped around my torso from those eight days ago.

Meggy: (thinking to self) I can't believe this. Why is this looking so terrible? I look at my content from when I was still an inkling and I see that the content is smoother. Better detail. Not sloppily assembled. But I guess that's just how it is now. I'm living with all of my friends in one massive spaceship and a killer alien god is out to kill us all. What could be worse than that?

She heard a knock on the wall and she shook her head a bit and looked to the bars of her cell. There, was Mario. He had a crutch with him to support him while walking and had a patch around his eye. Meggy stared at him and felt a lump forming in her throat. She tried multiple times to break her gaze, but knowing what she had done to him couldn't make her shake the guilt she was holding. Meggy could hold it in no longer and rushed to the bars only to fall to the ground and lost it.

Meggy: (crying) I'm so sorry! I'm so, very sorry that you have to deal with this! I don't care if you don't forgive me, I just want to apologize for my actions that almost got you killed.

Mario: Meggy-

Meggy: No! Please! Don't talk...I already know what you're about to say...that I hurt you, you forgive me, but no. None of that. I don't deserve your forgiveness after what I have done! I couldn't stop him, I wasn't strong enough! I almost let him win!

Mario stood in front of her in complete silence. He just looked into her tearing eyes and she saw a single tear fall from his own eyes as he took a small, labored step forward towards the bars. Meggy slid back a few feet on the ground so she wouldn't come in contact with him. Mario didn't say anything but motion her to come to him. Meggy waited a moment, but then slowly got up and approached him. Mario slowly reached through the bars and Meggy flinched a bit, but Mario never pulled back, he just softly smiled and waited patiently. When she took another step forward, he reached his hand and wiped a tear of of her face and rested his hand on her cheek. Meggy looked to him with her tear-stained eyes and she wanted to smile, but the tears and sobs just kept coming and she couldn't muster the strength to do it.

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