Extra: Fight To Survive

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Rainz: So who exactly are we looking for?

Rainz pushed through a heavy branch as the sun began to set, turning the sky a orange and purple color. The branch snapped off the trunk it was connected to, clearing the way for Notex, Mario, and Desti behind him.

Mario: I don't know, Rainz. Huh...feels weird saying that.

Rainz: I know Rainz sounds weird. If you want, call me Karter.

Mario: Karter? Isn't that your actual name?

Rainz: Rainz is just a call sign.

Notex: And I'm Cruce. Or Crucificio if you want the whole name.

Desti let's out a low laugh.

Notex: What?

Desti: Crucificio?

Notex: Yeah? What's wrong with it?

Desti: *sarcastically*Nothing. It's...cute.

Notex: Did...did a squid girl just call me cute?

Mario: That was very sarcastic. She saying it's not cute.

Notex: Well shit. I thought I was actually about to get a compliment.

Desti: If it helps, I'm not interested in you.

Notex: Woah now. That's crossing a line. I wasn't going there. Sorry, uh...

Mario: Desti.

Notex: Right. Sorry...Desti, but your not my type.

Desti: It's alright. Your not mine either.

Rainz: Ouch.

Notex: Shut up, Rainz.

Mario: Okay. Now that we have that out of the way, I do actually know one person that we need to find.

Notex: Who would that be?

Mario: My brother.

Desti: Luigi's out there?

Mario: Who knows who else may be out there.

Desti: Meggy might be.

Mario: Yeah. I really hope she's okay if she is.

Rainz: That's your wife, right?

Mario: Yeah. I already told you this, come on guys.

Rainz: I guess this whole Survival Games thing is getting to me.

Notex: Me too. It can mess with your head after a few years.

Mario: I will give you the benefit of the doubt on that one.

Desti: Enough chatting. I think I hear something.

Everyone stopped to listen and Mario heard something too. It was like something was moving in the bushes beside them. He motioned for Cruce and Karter to get in position and they moved as quietly as possible. Mario took a peek around a tree and saw another one of those mutated Screa'tal. It looked the exact same as the other one from earlier, but this one was slightly bigger, had multiple scars across it, and was missing an eye.

Notex: Ah shit...

Mario: What is it?

Notex: That's Abbadon.

Mario: You named it?

Rainz: Why not?

Mario: *rolls eyes* Why did you choose the name Abbadon?

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