Chapter 1: The Splatfest Training "Incident"

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As the sun rose on the horizon, a warming orange color filled Mario and Luigi's room.  Mario let his eyes flutter open as he adjusted to the light.  Below his bunk, his brother, Luigi slept, snoring quite loudly. 

Mario: Luigi, STFU!
-He threw his alarm clock down at Luigi, waking him up.-
Luigi: Hey! What the hell Mario? I was still sleeping you know.
Mario: I don't really care.  Now we can get to our day!
-Mario kept off his bed and bolted to the kitchen where his breakfast spaghetti was waiting for him.  He dug into it like a madman, stuffing large scoops of spaghetti down his throat.
After 5 plates of spaghetti, Mario became quite pissed:
Mario: Where the f**k is the rest of my pasta!?
Luigi: (exhausted) You ate the rest for dinner last night.
Mario: No! This can't be!
Luigi: Why don't you go to the grocery store and get more then?
Mario: I would, but it's too far away, and my driver's license was revoked due to our prison escape.
Luigi: Mamma-Mia.(Annoyed) Well, give me 10 minutes and I'll drive.
Mario: (Excited) Yeeeaaaahhhhhhh Bo-

A knock came to the front door, cutting Mario's celebratory chant off. 

Luigi: Who would be here at 7:30 in the morning?
Mario: I have no idea

Mario steps to the door and listened to pick any sound up from the other side.

Mario: probably nothing. (Opening door)


Mario shot back across the room hitting the table.  Bones were heard cracking.

Meggy: (enters house) You got rekt again,Red!  You got to remember this every time I stop by!
Meggy said in a cheery mood.
Mario: Mamma-Mia... Oh. Hey Meggy.
Meggy: You ready for Splatfest training today? I've got a lot planned to help all of us out for this one.
Mario: (grimacing as he gets up from the ground) Why not later today?
Meggy: Now's the best time to start. Fresh and early in the morning! Maybe we can fit 14 hours in.
Mario and Luigi together: Oh-No.
Meggy: come on, maybe we can fit some lunch between training sessions.
Mario: (Windows startup sounds) Hell yeah, I'm in!
Luigi: Oh, you two go ahead, I'll catch up with you later.
Meggy: If you say so, don't be late.

Later in Inkopolis:

Shooting sounds are heard around the arena as Mario, Meggy, Tari, and Luigi shoot at targets or each other, training for a new splatfest tournament in only a few weeks time.  While Luigi and Tari work with aiming and targeting, Meggy and Mario are battling it out on the other end of the arena.

Mario: What kind of tactic is this?

Mario stood at the base of a small tower, looking up as Meggy held her splattershot aiming down at him.

Meggy: I want you to dodge all my shots and knock me off this tower without coming up here.
Mario: Ugh. If you say so.

Shots of orange paint are scattered throughout the arena as Mario runs for dear life from the paint. Meggy pulls out a sniper and aims with precision at Mario.

Mario: Missed me! Better luck next t-

Mario was hit with a high powered blast of paint, sending him flying over the arena.

Mario: That's it, time to switch gears and go full throttle.

Mario sprints around the arena, dodging every shot Meggy three at him.  Meggy, noticing that he was dodging in a timely and correct manner, decided to take it to the next level with an ink bazooka.

Mario: Holy Sh**!
Meggy: *winks*
Mario: Hehe, Mamma f***er. Are you freakin kidding me!? Again!?

The ink bazooka fires a large ball of ink directly at Mario, just feet away from the base of the tower.  Mario gets an idea from remembering their first splatfest together:

*Flashback to first Splatfest*

Mario takes a golf club, swinging at the Ink Brigade's grenade, sending it back at them, causing them to fly off the edge of the map.

*Back to present*

Mario: AHA!

Mario reaches for the golf club he somehow can carry on his person unnoticed and swings at the bazooka ball, sending right back up at Meggy.

Meggy: Ahh!

She falls off the tower and hits Mario on the way down.  When she realized she was on the ground, she noticed Mario below her, faces inches apart from one-another.  Meggy, a bit embarrassed, blushing quite hard, gets up off Mario and helps him up. 

Meggy: Well.. uh.. good job Mario.
Mario: Y-Yeah. You..too Meggy.

They walked without a word to Luigi and Tari, who were still shooting at targets.

Tari: Heya. How was the fight?
Meggy: (Still visibly blushing) It was alright, Mario kicked my ass in the end.
Tari: Wow! Good job Mario! (Notices Meggy blushing) Meggy, what's going on?
Meggy: Oh, uh, nothing, Tari, just a bit-
Tari: Aww.
Meggy: Uhh, what is it?

At this point, Meggy was afraid that Tari would guess what had happened back in the arena, but she was met with a different response.

Tari: You're embarrassed that Mario destroyed you aren't you?
Meggy: (Surprised) Uh, yeah, um, yeah, I am a bit.  Mario did catch me quite off guard for sure.

Mario stood beside her starting to blush a tiny bit as well.  Luckily, Tari didn't notice, but Luigi did.

Luigi: Bro, what are you embarrassed about? You seemed to kick her butt out there it seems like.
Mario: Oh...yeah! (Trying to change the subject) Say, I'm a hungry.  Can we take a break?
Meggy: Yeah, I'm down.  What about you two?
Tari: You know, you two take a break. We will keep going.
Mario: O-okay.

Mario and Meggy walk off towards the exit of the arena.

Mario: (Embarrassed) So where would you like to go?
Meggy: (Starts to blush again) I-I don't know. What about instant noodles instead?
Mario: I guess I'm fine with that.

The two walked out the arena and turned a corner to run into a familiar face.

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