Chapter 14: A Death to Remember

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Khalida: *heavy breathing* ...What have I done?

Traviere: You just got another one of your friends killed. Congratulations...Megan.

Khalida: No.....No!!

She swings her fist at Traviere and he catches it easily and holds on to it tightly, making her wince in pain. She eventually fell to her knees as he squeezed and she felt her knuckles popping as he applied force.

Traviere: You see? Stupidity gets you killed. And that's exactly what you just did.

Khalida: *wincing* Let...go of me.

Traviere tightens his grip and Khalida feels the bones in her hand begin to break. She cries out in pain as the armor added onto the pain digging into her hand. Mario tried to rush in and help her, but Majurann was there to stop him and he felt the sharp spikes slamming into his leg and the next thing he knew, he was in the air and about to be slammed onto the ground. He felt himself caught right before he was met with the rough ground and found that the Trident Warrior had caught him.

Mario: Thanks...uh...Trident...Warrior...

Trident: Just Trident will work.

Mario: Nothing else?

Trident: Seriously!? Now!?

He brings up his weapon to block one of Majurann's swings and brings his fist into his stomach and Majurann stumbles back a bit and he growls back at him with a sneer on his face.

Majurann: You hit hard for little one.

Trident: Come on then! Wanna try again!?

Majurann: Majurann will strike your corpse until no body remains!

He runs towards Trident and Mario and swings his chain towards them and Trident feels the chain slam tightly around his weapon and rip it from his grip and watches as he swings it away.

Majurann: Oh look. Little Human doesn't have his plaything anymore.

Trident: That's what you think.

He holds out his hand and it glows a soft orange color. Majurann screams in anger and starts running towards them, and soon enough, the trident flies back into his hands, and Mario jumped back because it almost seemed like the weapon teleported into his hands.

Majurann: Gah! Spell tricks...not help you forever!

Trident dodges a blow from Majurann and he swings around until he was behind the large creature and plunges the trident into his thick armor and the weapon immediately lights on fire, causing Majurann to screech out in pain and shake around until Trident was thrown off of him. He landed on both his feet effortlessly and looked towards Majurann and watched as he was trying to put out a growing flame on his back and neck. Trident then looks to Mario with a smirk.

Trident: Watch this.

He throws the trident up in the air and catches it like he was about to throw a spear and threw it with the same force as before and the shining navy blue and black object slammed through Majurann's armor and came out the other side of him and embedded itself into the walls of a foundation behind him. He stood still staring with wide yellow eyes and fell over face-first into the ground after a few seconds. Mario shuddered as the creature slammed into the ground and watched the blood pool around his dead body.

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