Chapter 16: Exploiting The Worm Hole

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The Quantum-1 led what remained of the Quantum Convoy in a direction of space that supposedly had a Worm Hole in that direction. The goal was to cross through a Worm Hole that the Quantum-5 had found before it met its demise with Traviere's army of Cypulers. If it weren't for their quick reactions to spread the news, the convoy would most likely still be lost in space. The Commander guided his ship and the other followers to an area of space that was dense with Stardust and other particles, lighting the outside of the ships in a multifaceted set of colors and streaks of light. The Commander gazed out his ship as they passed through the thick clouds of the dust, and so did Mario and Meggy as they stood aboard the Quantum-7, gazing, mouths agape at the scenery before them. It was like all the bad they had experienced now had a good side of things with the sight of this.

Mario:'s beautiful.

Meggy: I can't even describe...

Chris: Who knew space could also be so pretty?

Swag: I think I'm gonna cry!

Mario and Meggy laughed to themselves thinking it would be strange to hear Swag start crying over brightly colored lights in space. He then turned to face Meggy as the light illuminated her face.

Mario: Meggy...

Meggy: Mario...

Mario: Why are you so beautiful?

Meggy: I don't know. Why are you so handsome?

Mario: It just flows with me, I guess.

Meggy: It always does. Your charm never lets go of you.

Mario: And this Starlight better not let go of you, because it brings out why I call you: My Shining Starlight.

Meggy: How so?

Mario: See those stars and the Stardust? what I see when I look into your eyes.

Meggy: ...Light?

Mario: Beauty. Elegance. Grace. I see it all in you, Meggy.

Meggy: Why does it not surprise me anymore when you say that?

Mario: I guess space has created a new obsession for me.

Meggy: Mario? Obsessed? With space?

Mario: Yeah, it's stupid, but I bet you can understand why. We have been trapped out here for way too long.

Meggy: I cannot agree more.

She cuddles up next to Mario as they watch the Stardust around them start to part and reveal a massive blue light in the distance. Mario takes a step closer to the front of the Quantum to get a better look at what they were seeing, and then he thought about Black Holes: They've never seen one, but he did know that the larger ones had light around them like they were stars with thousands of miles worth of Stardust and other material around them. He turned and ran past Meggy, leaving her confused as he haphazardly picked up the radio and fumbled with it for a moment before catching it and yelling into the radio speaker.

Mario: Stop! Cut Power! Don't get any closer to that thing!

Mario watched as the other ships around him slowed and the blue light emanating from their engines dimmed and turned off.

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