Chapter 9: A New Meggy

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Two Months Later...

It has been two months since the war on Anime Island. Meggy is now a human, and Desti, Meggy's rival and new friend, was killed by Sephiroth, a minion created by Francis.  Francis was the one behind all he kidnappings because he claimed he wanted an island of waifus for himself, but his plans were overthrown when Mario and friends came in to save the day. They killed all his minions and eventually, him. Peace was returned to the world, but Meggy had difficulties adjusting to her strange new body she was in. She could feel pain more than she used to feel it. Her emotions were much stronger, and her new friend, Desti, was dead. 2019 is almost over, but something new is happening at the castle.

Mario: (entering) What's up, bitches?

SMG4: Oh my god, can you please stop saying that every time you enter the castle?

Luigi: Mario, that's the 15th time today you said that, and it's only 2:00P.M.

Mario: What? I can't have any fun now?

SMG4: (to Luigi) Ever since Meggy stopped showing up to the castle, he's been getting worse every day.

Luigi: No kidding. I just hope that she's okay.

SMG4: Should we actually send someone to check on her?

Luigi: Mario should. He's been waiting for her to come back for almost a week now.

Mario: What should I do now?

SMG4: We think you could blow off some energy by venturing to Inkopolis to see Meggy for some time.

Luigi: Maybe you can convince her to come to the castle for a bit.

Mario: I can certainly try!

Mario dashed out of the castle without a second thought as Luigi calls after him.

Luigi: She's in Inkopolis!

Mario: (running back) Right. I totally knew that.

He runs past SMG4 and Luigi again to go into the basement where the pipe to Inkopolis was. When he came up on the other side, immediately, something was off. The citizens weren't gathered in the streets like normal, Callie and Marie's broadcasts weren't up anymore, and multiple buildings were still boarded up. Mario knew that things were still intense after the Anime War a few months ago and all of the inklings were most likely still afraid to venture out onto the streets in fear of being kidnapped again.

Mario: Hello? Anyone?

No response. Mario kept walking slowly through the streets and eventually made it to the building where Meggy lived. The doors to enter the building were boarded up.

Mario: (thinking to self) Maybe this is why she couldn't get to us. She's trapped in this building.

Mario knocked down the sloppily placed wood with ease and walked into the building, venturing up the stairs to Meggy's place. When he got there, he was horrified to see a piece of paper on her door with the words "You don't deserve to live, human. Get out while you still can."
Below the words was a picture of an inkling torturing and killing Meggy for being a human. The inkling seemed to enjoy himself in the picture while Meggy was screaming in pain. Mario tore the paper off the door, hoping Meggy did not see this picture and tossed it back down the hall. He then opened the door slowly to enter her room.

Mario: Uh...Meggy? Are you in here?

Mario walks through the her apartment slowly to search for her. He makes it to her kitchen when he hears crying coming from her room.

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