Step 3: Hang tight (and don't lose your head)

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"Who are you?" 

This question was from one Morino Ibiki. I was taken into an interrogation room, though thankfully I saw no torture devices. 

Just a simple intimidation room with that classic spotlight in the interrogees' faces.

Current Objective: try not to get brutally tortured. 

"I'm Serena Meela," I replied to Ibiki's question, trying to remain calm. "Meela would be my surname."

There was silence again in the room. I glance over next to Ibiki to see another guy scratching pen on paper, presumably recording my answer and the question. 

"You're a civilian." He continued. 



"I'm twenty-three." 



"What school?" 

"Uh...a school dedicated to teaching me and others...about advanced topics." 

"Does your school teach you this?" Instantly, Ibiki slammed a kunai into the table, causing me to react very appropriately. 

"Aghhhh!" I squawked in panic, jerking backward in my chair. 

Ibiki held up another kunai, glowering darkly at me. "Answer the question." 

"No!" I freaked. "We don't learn--that!" 

Silence reigned. I was sweating heavily, feeling my shirt stick to me once again. Maybe if I sit still enough, he won't notice me...

Ibiki leaned back, crossing his arms as he glared. 

"So we have a problem on our hands," he began. "You are a civilian." 


"And you were found inside the outer border of Konoha." 

"...I was?" 

"My question is this: how did a mere, clueless civilian get past the border without a scratch?" 

I stare blankly at him, completely lost. "I...I dunno either?" 

Ibiki didn't let up on his glare. "And that's something we're going to find out. Get Yamanaka." 

"Yes sir." The guy who had been writing all the answers and questions down promptly left the interrogation room. 

Oh, it's not over yet. Darn. 

I twisted my hands anxiously. 

A moment later, Yamanaka stepped into the room. "Hello, Ibiki-san." But when he turned to me, he frowned. "Is this the person you wanted me to check?" 

Ibiki grunted. "Yeah." 

"She's a civilian." 

"Whose story we can't get straight." 

"May I see the report?" 

The man who had been writing down everything Ibiki and I had been saying, handed him the report or transcript. We waited in silence while Yamanaka carefully but briefly looked through. 

"I see." He sighed and handed the report back, not looking at all eager. "Then I'll get started." 


What most people don't know when someone looks inside your brain, is that it's...disturbing. It's not a pleasant experience. 

"This won't hurt," he reassured me. 

At first, I felt alright. He wasn't using intimidation tactics like Ibiki was and he was rather calm and even spoke quietly to me to put me more at ease. 

But then, when he entered my mind...a switch in me flipped. 

I couldn't move. I was frozen in my chair. There was...seemingly a thundering pulse in my head, imitating a headache. 

I flinched, jerking minimally back as if to escape. Yamanaka grimaced as well. 

"Yeah, it might be a little uncomfortable at first..." Yamanaka explained. "Try taking a few deep breaths and relax a little."  

"Ok." I tried to calm down but to no avail. "Kinda hard though." 

My eyes darted around and my heart rate began to increase. I felt like I was having an adrenaline rush, feeling more and more stressed out but unable to define that stress point. 

I didn't know what Yamanaka was looking at, but I knew I didn't want him looking at my memories and thoughts. Precious hidden secrets, even if they weren't important to the current investigation, I didn't want anyone to see. 

I tried hard not to squirm in discomfort, feeling more sweat gather on my back. I definitely would need to change my shirt. 

"Just a moment." 

Having someone looking into your like writing a diary, and someone reading out loud your diary over your shoulder. You can't stop writing, and you can't stop the person from reading out loud as you write. It sort of felt like I was being viewed as an object than a person or like a zoo animal. As seconds ticked by, it felt more humiliating to have my memories gutted open for everyone to see and analyze. It felt like reliving every emotional memory. 

For a moment, I thought I would rather endure Ibiki's torture than ever have Yamanaka back in my brain. 

"A-are we almost done yet?" 

Yamanaka spared me a sympathetic look. "We have ways to go." 

There was a brain itch that I couldn't scratch, and for some reason, I could feel my arms beginning to shake and my body trembling. 

"Hang in there," Yamanaka said, noticing my discomfort. "Normally, we don't do this for civilians, but I guess you're a special case." 

Then at some point, I must have passed out because I didn't hear him talking anymore. 


I stared at my cell floor while curled up on the cot. 

Let's recap. So far, day 1 has me captured, interrogated, and then thrown in prison. 

What a great start. 

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