Step 25: It's okay to take it easy.

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Life as a prisoner isn't very good. 

See, in espionage films and whatnot, we see really cool, creative, and engineering-level concepts to overcome their physical barriers. And then we watch them achieve their idea of a "happy ending." 

Me? I'm by myself. I am the ME in TEAM, okay?

I'm physically unable to brute force my way of this prison. And the last time I ran from my problems, it was in my nightmares. 

I also don't have any secretly smuggled tools to break me out. Everything on me got confiscated, and in return, I got a spiffy prison uniform. 

And since I'm in isolation, I can't conspire with other fellow inmates and break out of here. I also lack the charisma to charm any guards and convince them to help me. 

Let's be real here. I'm an aromantic. I suck at this whole...charming people business.

So in short, there's not much to do. I gotta wait to be released or murdered. 

***** Month? Week? Who knows. I haven't seen daylight. Time blindness sure is fun! 

My new special routine as a solitary prisoner is to be escorted by guards into an interrogation room, answer their questions, question my own sanity, or start hallucinating. Then after all that, I get sent back to my cell. 

If you're wondering what's the whole bit about my sanity or hallucinations, I would like to know that too. 

So far, the routine is that I get taken into an interrogation room. 

The room's clean of any blood, weapons, or corpses. Just a simple metal table and two chairs with some lighting. Like a job interview, but with life-threatening threats.

Interrogator Of The Day starts asking me basic questions like who am I, do I know who I am, do they know who I am, does my answers match up with their intel, blah blah blah. 

Confirmation of me from me, great work. 

And then, the questions about how I know about their intel begin. The usual how did I get this info, who are potential suspects, am I plant sent by other people, my purpose, my goals, and I'm very dangerous to society.  Ask me the same questions over and over to see if I'll find a different answer. 


But here's when it gets weird. 

During the questionings, I suddenly see the table covered in blood. Blood on the walls dripping down, blood on the floor, on the table, and on the chairs because I feel some liquid seeping into my pants. 

The point is, there's a surprise bloodbath outta nowhere. 

I'm definitely not on my period. I don't see anybody else or any weapons.

I'm not injured at all; none of the blood is on me, just on the surfaces I'm in contact with like the table and chair. 

So I tried to point the blood out to the interrogator, but they ignored me every time. 


Have I lost it? 

Is this just my brain making up things now?


Prison by your lonesome self is a trip and a half. My cell is a window-less room with just a cot and a toilet. I kinda miss my roof-less house. I mean, it didn't do a very good job of protecting me, but at least it was nice and open. 

Unlike other prisoners who have to work, I just get dragged into interrogation sessions all the time. And the "blood surprise" doesn't always happen. 

Sometimes I see blood, other times, I don't. 

Is this a new psychological torture that they're trying out? If so, then it's super effective. I might be hallucinating or going crazy. 

Can I request a different kind of torture? Like uh... read me Hatake's biography. I guarantee that I will break down in tears, grief-stricken over his stupidity. Just because he's "intelligent," doesn't mean he's smart. There's a difference. 

Trash-talking aside, I'm alone in this whole situation. 

Kids, hope you're all okay. 

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