Step 37: Learn to be patient.

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We set up a small campsite just outside of the little run-down village. We're far enough away from the main hub-hub of Konoha, so we can make battle preparations here. 

First stop: medical treatments. 

Baby and I headed into the village to find the local clinic to treat Brother. Itachi had some medicine prepared, but he's not getting significantly better. While in the village, Baby and I collected other supplies for the rest of the group. 

"Bandages, ointments, medicinal herbs, some cough and fever medicine...was that it?" I asked Baby, while Brother drooled down my shoulder. 

Baby took charge of the baggage. "Seems so." 

Then he suddenly froze. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning to check up on him. 

"Go on ahead without me. I have some business to take care of." 

I winced. "I uh--Dude, I'm really not a fan of this idea."

"I just need to get some supplies for myself," Baby vaguely explained. I get him a pinched expression of reluctance. 

"How about we wait for you at the main gate?" I offered. "Then we'll go back together." 

"No! It's better for you to take my brother back first," Baby argued. 

"" Brother mumbled half-coherently. 

"You're awake!" Baby exclaimed, rushing forward. I craned myself awkwardly so the two could be closer face-to-face. 


"Come on, do this as a favor for me?" I asked. 

"Alright, I'll be quick." 


True to his word, Baby was back in just a few minutes. 

"Got everything?" 

"Yes, let's head back." 

As we walked, I let my curiosity peek through. "What did you get?" 

Baby froze for a second then resumed acting as normal as he could. "Just some personal things. I was running low." He refused to elaborate any further. 

"...It's....his sp...specialty...." Brother lulled on my shoulder. 

"Don't speak! Just recover and rest," Baby scolded and fretted. "I promise, I'm gonna make sure you will be better, okay?" 

Brother made a noise of agreement. 


Setting up camp was a puzzle in of itself. 

The most injured were Brother and Hinata. So we laid out our stolen gear from prison to makeshift mats. Sakura helped treat and redress wounds, and the two kids took a very much needed nap. 

The rest of us just rolled up spare bags or jackets to make pillows. We'd have to take turns keeping guard at night, though. 

We need a stable food source too. Shino was on food-searching duty, so he left our campsite to go hunt. In the meantime, Naruto was in charge of our collective inventory. Sakura took note of what we were low on so we could prioritize the shopping list for later. 

Sasuke got to work setting up a small fire to keep us warm and to cook. He disappeared time to time to find water. 


"So who's this person we're looking for?" Sakura asked. We all slumped around the tiny campfire. 

"Oh yeah...right..." Naruto mumbled, half asleep. 

I sighed tiredly. "She's one of the best medics out there."

"Where will we find her?" Shino asked. 

I stared blankly at the dying fire. "Guess I'll be doing some recon tomorrow. We've gotta start somewhere." 

"Right, Sensei." 

But first, s l e e p . . . 

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