Step 31: Your perspective is limited.

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So good news and bad news.

The good news is, we found Danzo's office.

The bad news is, we can't stay and chat with the good man himself. We gotta run. Yes, again. 

"Over here, shhh!"

We followed Baby through some hide-y spaces, shuffling along pipes, and tiptoeing around danger zones.

While we were busy getting out of the dorms, we got ambushed. 

"Brother!" Baby rushed forward to catch a limb body nearly crashing into us.

(This is one of the many repeating jokes of my life. I really shouldn't be surprised at this point.)

Introducing, Baby's brother. A heavily disguised child with no distinctive features of a recognizable character. The brother stood a bit taller than Baby; otherwise, his entire form was covered with many layers.

"Brother! What's going on?" Baby exclaimed. The brother only groaned incoherently.

"We need to move! Now!" Shino ordered urgently.

Instantly, Sensible Sakura hurried over to help Baby hoist Brother up and drag him with us.

And then we ran as fast as we could.


We made it out, somehow.

For whatever reason, there's a loose wooden board badly hiding an exit hatch. And while Hinata was getting dizzy and faint, she leaned against said loose wooden board and accidentally uncovered said secret exit hatch. 

Who designed this place? Whatever, we're out and safe-ish.

Good times.

"What should we do now?" I panted. "We can't go back to the village, and we just left prison and the dorms. What now?"

"I miss my brother," Shino said wistfully, staring at Baby and Brother. "We didn't find him."

"We'll find him when we have the chance, Shino," I assured him.

"Let's move away from here then," Sakura the Sensible suggested. "We need to find somewhere to recover. Plus, someone to take a look at your brother if he's unconscious."

"He's very sick," Baby expressed worriedly. "I don't know what else to do!"

"Right, and someone more knowledgeable than us will be able to treat your brother," Sakura assured. "Let's get going."

So we happy few marched on. Well, as happy as a team can be with one defenseless adult, and very injured children. I swear this isn't a field trip. 


We found an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere. Well, somewhere far from prison and the dorms. We dragged our unconscious crew inside and took a break.

"Rest." Sasuke kerplunked himself down next to the door and began meditatively sharpening his weapons.

What a role model for these homicidal children.

The other kids followed suit, and we sat on the creaky floor.

With a moment to rest, I looked over to our newest addition. Baby started removing some of Brother's gear, worriedly checking over the other child.


Brother choked up a lung, breathing heavily, while sweat dripped off his face in pain. Baby wiggled off the hood and mask, revealing damp grey hair, and an equally pale skin tone.

Wait a minute. 

Cough! Cough!

"H-here!" Heavenly Angel tossed over a small packet. "H-honey c-c-candy."

Baby ripped open the candy package and shoved the small crystal candy into Brother's mouth.

"Wait wait wait, hang on, isn't he gonna choke like that?" I crawled over. "Sit him up!"

Said boy began to hack up his other lung in response. 



After we got Brother and Baby situated, the kids started dozing off. Shino and Sasuke went out to find life-preserving elements like firewood and edible things.

I stared at the new sibling duo.

I had an itch in my memory the longer I stared at the two newcomers. 

"Oh hey, what's your brother sick with?" I asked Baby.

"No, I-I don't know." The Baby deflated. "He just keeps coughing and we don't get any medication. It's...part of our training. Only the strongest will survive." 

"...Ah, one of Danzo's infinitely wonderful teachings. Right...What's your brother's name?"

"I cannot say."

I glanced back at Brother. 

"We found your brother at the dorms...does that mean he's also an ANBU trainee?" Sakura asked. 

"..." Baby stayed silent. 

"T-that woul-ld b-b-be logic-cal," Pasty the Paler added. 

I sat back to think. 

I feel like I know these two...but I'm too tired right now. 

"Rest up first. We'll need to head out to find someone to treat our injuries." 


We rested in the shack for the next several hours. Trouble Children returned with plants and water. The most medically knowledge people scooted around on the shack floor, putting together bandages for topical wounds. 

Now what?

"We're still technically within Konoha borders, so we can't stay forever," Baby explained. "So we need to get out as far as we can. At least the ANBU guards won't be patrolling all around Konoha."

We bent over the map stashed in somebody's pocket. Baby drew a path from our presumed location and pointed to a tiny spot. "This is our best bet." 

Shino glanced at us all. 

"Then let's head out."

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