Step 38: Protect your pawns.

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"Sakura, Naruto, you'll go with Sensei to do some investigating. "Why? Because only Sensei can determine who that person is," Shino decided.


"Finally! I get to do something!"

"What about the rest of you?" I asked.

"We'll keep the base safe and guarded," Shino explained. "Why? Because otherwise, we would be leaving those two unconscious here."

"I'm not leaving my brother," Baby added resolutely.

"Right. Off we go then."


So I took the two under-agers to the first bar I saw. I'm not the model example of a responsible adult right now.

"Let's hope I don't get arrested," I muttered. "She would at least frequent bars or casinos. Lemme ask around to see if anyone knows anything."

The kids and I started going around, asking for information, but everyone clammed up. Nobody was willing to give us any info.

A few were willing to sell us some info, but we're down to our last coin. So we're outta luck.

"There should be a few other locations then," Sakura said, sketching out a rough map of the town.

"So then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"


"Sakura, we've basically bar-hopped every bar in town. Also, why are there chain stores of the same bar on the same street?" I asked exhaustedly.

Sakura sighed, crossing off another location on her map. "From what I've gathered, casinos are a more underground thing. So there won't be any blatant locations of a casino."

I groaned.

"At least that's what I heard. No one's willing to talk to us," Sakura grumbled.

"Ugh, this sucks! I wanna punch someone!" Naruto fumed.

"Yes, we know, but violence isn't gonna do much right now. Plus, we're all recovering from our escape anyway."

"Aww man..."


We returned back to camp around midday, empty-handed. Well, not entirely. Sakura mapped out the area as best as she could and even drew a route to where we visited in hopes of looking for Tsunade.

We reported back to the rest of the group on our findings. Or lack thereof.

"I see. This is a much more lengthy process than I initially thought," Shino murmured.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. "Otherwise we're just running in circles."

Shino thought for a bit.

"Oh and we don't have any money left," Naruto held up a the pouch upside down. "See?"

"Yeah, we spent it on some medical supplies."

"Let's call it quits for today."


While the kids nursed their hurt feelings about an unproductive day, I sat with the injured kids. As the kids slowly started to unwind to sleep, I sat up against a tree and stared at Brother.

The kid's still unconscious. He's also more pasty pale than Hinata over there.

The itch in my memory reappeared. I think I know this boy...he must have been one of the characters in relation to one of the main character cast.

As I stared I asked Baby, "What did you say he was sick with again?"

"I cannot say." Ah, Clamshell clammed right up.

"H-he mus-st be ANBU r-right?" Hinata confirmed, scooting closer to us.

"He's probably not much older than you guys. And he's sick."

I leaned my head back as if that would help me think better. "And he's sick but you can't let Danzo know because you know your brother will be left to die."

Baby didn't respond.

Wait a minute.

I know these two.

I turned to Baby. "What's your brother's name again?"

"I cannot--"

"Sai! No wait, that's you...who's the other kid with! It's Shin! We have Sai and Shin!"

Maybe-it's-Sai just stared at me in stunned silence.

So far, I've got Sakura, Hinata, and Naruto (the other two Problem Children went off to collect life-preserving elements and edible things). And now I've got Shin and Sai, the newest brother duo to this gangly group of kids.

Great job, me.

"Sai? Wha' kinda name is tha'?" Naruto mumbled from above as designated look out.

"I'm I think it's a nice name," Sakura offered.

"Now that we know your names, how about we let the masks down and reintroduce ourselves?" I suggested.

"W-wait! I'm not Sai and this isn't Shin!" It's-definitely-Sai panicked.

"Right. Anyways, I'm Serena Sensei, the only adult here who does not have any combat experience."

"I'm Sakura! It's nice to meet you both!" Sakura chirped.

"H-H-Hinata is my n-name." Pasty Pale waved weakly.

"And I'm Naruto, don't forget it!" Naruto added from the trees.

"The two kids earlier are Shino and Sasuke. They've also got brothers who are involved with...secret stuff. I'll have them tell you the whole sob story."

So during our brief self-introductions, It's-definitely-Sai recovered from the shock and tried to backpedal as fast as he could in this conversation.

"It's good to meet you all," It's-definitely-Sai replied. "But I'm still not 'Sai' and this isn't 'Shin!'"

"You're definitely Sai," I stood my ground.

"No! No, I'm not!"

At this declaration, the other kids glanced at me in hesitation, not knowing what to say or do. The silence stretched for a bit until it was super awkward.

"Well fine then. Guess we can't call you by a name you don't about we give you a name then? How about calling you...Denial?"

It's-definitely-Sai-soon-to-be-Denial only sputtered.

"Welp! THat settles it then!" Naruto decided, taking control of the conversation. "You're Denial! Nice to meet you!"

"Yeah! I'm glad you're with us, Denial," Sakura added.

"Y-y-yes! W-w-welcome t-to the t-team, D-D-Denial."

"No, wait--! Hang on a second!"

"Oh, did you want to be called 'Sai?'" I asked innocently.

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