Step 22: Keep an eye on everyone.

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War breaks out. 

Amidst all the pandemonium, Gaara destroys part of the arena, and with the One-Tails slowly taking over, more destruction appears. 

Screaming and yelling fill the space, while Jounin and Chunin jump up to address the sudden enemies. While some directed us to the exits, others were injured from all the airborne debris. 

"Sakura! Ino! Hinata! Are you all okay?" I yelled, turning from my crouched position to check. 

"Yes, Sensei! I'm fine!" 

"Yes, we're good!

Hinata didn't answer, bent forward and breathing heavily. 

"That's not good." 

She coughed up blood. 

"That's really not good!" 


"Sakura, Ino! I've got her, go help out with first aid!" 

"But Sensei, Hinata's--" 

"Don't worry! We'll both head to the shelter and stay out of the way! Now go! Other people need you!" 

"Right, Sensei!" The two hurried off. 

"Come on, kiddo. Let's get you somewhere safe and sound." 

I hoist the tiny middle schooler in my arms. Her head dropped against my shoulder, and after another weak cough, I felt warmth spreading over my neck.

"Hang in there, I've got you." 


I brought Hinata to the shelter and found some specialists who could take care of her right away. We still have access to medical equipment, and there's also magical ninjutsu healing or something. 

"Stay strong, Hinata." 


Hinata and I were against the walls of the shelter. The doctors were able to stabilize her condition. Now, with Hinata lying in a separate room of other injured patients, and me with the other civilians, my worries went down for a bit. 

"We'll have someone update on the events going on outside!" Someone announced, much to our relief. 

"And if there are any more patients, please come this way!" 


Hours later, someone announced to us that we could leave the shelter. I put my name down for Hinata (since she would be with the recovery group for a while longer) and followed everyone else outside. 

It was much quieter than I expected. 

"What happened?" a civilian asked my question out loud. 

"Hey! It sounds like we've pushed the Suna and Otogakure to the borders!" 

"Then it seems like this will all be resolved soon." 

"Alright! No one can beat Konoha, we're the strongest!" 

"Yeah, that's right!" 


Nightfall came and went. 

From what I gathered (and assumed), Naruto and the other Genin chased off after Gaara who fully transformed into Shukkau. Somewhere along the line, Naruto + "a giant frog" + Gaara + Shukkaku are out and about on a date or something.

Not a fun date, but I wouldn't know what constitutes as a fun date. 

The sun rose, and there still was fighting among all three villages. I didn't know where my students or the rest of their peers were. 

"If you're from district B, it's safe to head back!" 

Oh good, I'm from B, I can go back to my shack. 


Surprisingly, district B was not too damaged. Buildings were still up, and so was my shack.

We civilians were advised to go hide at home and stay indoors. I mean, I'm living under a roof-less house, with broken windows, and no tangible protection, but sure okay. No problem. Definitely not a fatal risk to take.

And I, completely clueless and gullible, followed said advice. I crawled into my sleeping bag and tried to rest.

Keyword: Tried

It's a little hard to rest when there's a ton of noise outside of your roof-less house.

Wait, noise?

My eyes shot open and that was the exact moment I was eye-to-eye with none other than Shukkaku.

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