Step 5: Always Play First

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Iruka Sensei!

I gave him a small genuine smile and walked closer. "I got a message to be here at the Academy." I handed him the message I had gotten. 

Iruka took the folder with a bright smile. "Let's see... Meela Serena, and yes! Everything's in order, I'll just stamp this and we'll get you settled. Please wait a moment." 

He went through some more paperwork before placing the folder on a stack of books and files and then stood up from behind the desk. "Let me show you around so you know your way around here." 

"Oh, thanks so much, I appreciated it." 

Iruka is a cinnamon roll and I will die on this hill. 

As he led me through the school, he said, "I'm so glad you're taking this position, Meela-san. I've been requesting for someone to come fill it in, and you've really come at the perfect time." 

"Really? Then I'm glad I could help," I answered honestly. 

"We have so many students expected to graduate soon, so we're a bit short on staff at times. Between teaching classes, doing administrative work, and documenting, I feel like we're always in need of a few more people. All the kids could use some personal guidance, well your position as a career counselor." 

A career counselor, huh? Cool.

"I bet. This age group of kids can be annoying sometimes, and if there's a lot of them, it can be overwhelming." 


Iruka took me down the hall and finally stopped at what looked like a teacher's office. We went in and he greeted the few staff in the room. I followed him into the office where he showed me a corner.

"Here is your desk, Meela-san. If you need student files, there's a copy in this cabinet." He reached over to pull out and show me. "Since you're the first person to fill in this kind of position, you get the first pick of students. Once you've selected some and the class schedule list, we can plan the individual meetings." With a final farewell, he left to return to his duties 

I sat down and looked at the cabinet. Inside were the numerous student files graduating for this year, organized by surnames. 

Let's see...I should get Naruto early training so he can one-shot Orochimaru, Pain, Akatsuki, and New Madara. There are more major bosses, but this is the foundation to build on. Unite everyone with the power of friendship and we'll be done.

I picked out Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura without hesitation since those three are closely entwined through the years. Then I looked over the rest before picking Hinata. Now, we've got an even number of kids! 

"Okay, I'm done." Iruka took the four folders and without preamble, started documenting them, presumably under my name. 

"Great! These students are all in my classroom, so they have the same schedule. They have time in about twenty minutes or so, who do you want to meet with first? 

"I'll meet with Uchiha Sasuke first. I might take a long time, just a heads up."

"Okay, I'll make note of that. Let's see if we can't get you a room to have your meeting." 

"Thank you so much." 

Wow, this was going pretty well. 

Then again, this was Sasuke I was about to deal with. 

So...we'll see how this goes. 

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