Step 24: Preparation takes consideration

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No idea if my persuasion worked.

When it was dawn, we got good news and fantastic news! 

The good news is that the war was over. The fantastic news is that Lord Third died. 

Hip hip hooray! Three cheers to that dead scheming goat! 

So while all the able-bodied people went to the funeral, I stayed at the hospital to keep the unconscious patients company, namely Hinata and now, Sasuke to the mix. 

That meant Naruto, Shino, Ino, and Sakura went to the funeral with the rest of the village to mourn. And I got to visit and greet Sasuke's unconscious body in one of the shared rooms.

Hinata was so much better; her family-hired nurse wheeled her over to Sasuke's room, and the two of us hung out with Sasuke just still conked out. 


"What-t-t happens n-n-now?" Hinata asked worriedly. "We d-don't hav-ve a Hokage t-t-to lead us."

"Oh crap."

She's right.

Wait, nononononono, it's all good. Tsunade is gonna be in charge now! 

"Ah, don't worry, a very capable person is coming," I assured her.

"O-oh I see."


After the funeral, the other four kids came to visit Sasuke and Hinata. 

They were all dressed in black and devoid of any of their usual noticeable gear. Even Hinata wore a black jacket over her rehab attire to match the occasion. Sakura found a black scarf somewhere and tied it to Sasuke's hospital bed, and Shino put a massive black beetle on his arm. 

("Why the beetle?" 

"It's to connect his soul with ours in mourning for our lost leader. A beetle to guide him and to share this somber day." 

"...I see." I shall pretend that I understood this child.) 

Even the hospital staff had some accessory or item worn that was black; nurses had black scarves as head coverings, and doctors wore black shirts under their lab coats. I overheard some nurses changing up some rotations so some could have a turn to visit the graveyard and pay respects. 

Everyone was sad and somber.

But not me! I'm gonna find a cake somewhere and celebrate (probably by myself)!

After the kids shuffled into the room, they surrounded Sasuke's hospital bed. Shino began to report to Sasuke's unconscious body the things that happened in the last few hours. None of the kids interrupted. 

Everyone was in near tears. 

As for me, I stared at the odd scene. 

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought these kids were a satanic cult, preparing a body for a sacrifice or performing a seance to communicate with the dead. 


"S-sensei, th-there's a new c-c-candidate for H-hokage."

"What? Who?"

"Someone named D-danzo."

"Oh crap!"


But I didn't have time to be concerned! 

Within a few hours, two ANBU arrived at my still-no-roof shack and arrested me. 

"Meela Serena, you're under arrest."  

Then they marched me all the way back to prison. I was checked in and added to all the other collections of inmates.

Apparently, I'm a threat. I know too much and need to be under 24/7 surveillance and no longer allowed to roam free.

What a shocker.

First, they don't believe me, but let me run loose. For what reason, I don't know. 

Then next, they really really don't believe me and have suspicions but still don't lock me up. 

And now with a new leader installed, they act on their suspicions and get me locked up. 

What a world we live in. 


There's not much to do in prison. 

They put me in isolation, and very very segregated from the other inmates. So no chance of chatting with other people. And these guards are like the most stoic people I've seen. They don't respond, they don't react, and they just stare at me blankly after delivering whatever information that is important for me to know. 


Hope the kids are okay. 

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