Step 15: Get a hold of the present

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Hatake the Clown probably tattle-taled our fight to the Hokage, because I got called to the office. 

Oh, don't worry, Hatake the Clown was being a Coward so he didn't bother showing up. 

I stared at Lord Third. "Let me guess, Hatake came and advised you to be more cautious of me because I'm PROBABLY a spy. PROBABLY." 

"After recent events, we do have a stronger reason to find you more suspicious." 

"Right, the whole Land of Waves mission. Good for Team Seven, good for you."

"The concern also extends that you know too much of the undercover systems and work in place."

"Ah yes, the Absolutely Necessary Baby Underlings.

"ANBU," he corrected.  He leaned back in his chair to take a pause. 

ANBU names and faces are restricted knowledge and their work is highly secretive. So it is a big problem that a random outsider knows or has seen their face at least once. Even if it's only a few members or I have long forgotten who is what, Konoha has the right to think they have a security leak or issue. 

And it's not just ANBU. I know too much of their inner workings without any concrete proof of where I came from. 

So even if repeatedly tell them, "I'm not a spy," everyone else would say, "Clearly, that's a lie." 

I sighed heavily. 

"So what's it this time? Did he report to you that I might be making up this whole Chunin Exams business?"

"That is a concern indeed." 

I stared stonily back. 

That did not answer my question. 

He folded his hands and leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands. "And there is speculation that you are running the whole thing while keeping your real memory sealed." 

"Oh, good. I'm also the devil, maybe a demon, and the key to ending the world. Great conspiracy theory, tell me something I don't know." 

He stared at me thoughtfully. "You seem...unphased." 

I mustered up the most pained smile, giving him an expression that hopefully screamed: BECAUSE I KNOW THE FUTURE! 

"Shocker, I know." I sighed and shifted in my chair to get more comfy. "So why did you call me for this meeting?" 

"The point of this meeting was to inform you that you are not safe. Think of it as a courtesy that we extend towards you for letting you know of your position." He narrowed his eyes at me. "And let me remind you that you are not safe. Watch yourself." 

I glared right back. "And here I thought we already established the fact that I was going to be protected so long I didn't spill secrets outside of the village." 

"Then you are sadly mistaken if you believed I would put your safety above the secrecy of the village. You are an outlier in this circumstance and I have no desire to sacrifice my people for your 'truths.'" 

"Oh...right. I had almost forgotten what an unbelievable saint you are." 


"The Chunin Exams are coming up," Lord Third began.

I moaned in agony, "And here I was, hoping that this day would never come." 

He ignored me.

"With most of the preparations for the exams, everyone will be busy covering for others and keeping up on the administrative work. An extra pair of hands and eyes would help the exam flow smoothly."

I stared at him, my pity party momentarily forgotten.

"You don't trust me, but you still want me to be part of an exam."

"Yes." He looked back at me unbothered.

"...Your decisions never cease to amaze me."

"You will be assigned to work with various groups and support the rest of the proctors of this exam." 

"Do I get a say in this?" But I was interrupted by a knock on the office door.


I took a long inhale of breath, eyes turned up towards the very interesting ceiling.

"Good. I trust you have a position ready for her?" Lord Third asked. 

It's Ibiki. The first proctor of this heinous test. Great. 

The torture expert gave me a terrifying expression of glee. "I am. I have just the position for you."

"Oh joy." 

"Excellent, then I won't keep you both here much longer, we all have other busy tasks to attend to," Lord Third dismissed, crouching back down on his desk to look at the paperwork cluttering the desk.

And that was our cue to leave. 

"Hai, Hokage-sama."

"...Hai, Hokage." 


Ibiki didn't need me until later, so I went back home. Don't worry, I'm still mad at Hatake. 

And because this is the recurring joke of my life, Sasuke and Shino were in my yard. 

"Why are you two here." 

"Sensei," Shino replied. "I am here to ask Uchiha-san to join my crusade and help to defeat Danzo. Why? Because you suggested him as a good candidate." 

I stared tiredly at the middle schooler. 

"And you had to do it in my yard because...?" 

"Ah, yes. Uchiha-san is currently busy. I didn't want to disrupt his work, so I came to him to ask." 

I just then noticed Sasuke had stopped sickling the tall grass. Don't worry, he left a nice chunk of tall grass alone. Instead, he was now tilling the soil. 

What a sight to be had. 


After a little while, I felt bad that Sasuke was alone doing yard work. So I joined the kids back outside and started cutting grass, thankfully with the sickle Sasuke abandoned. 

Sasuke and Shino were both crouched over the freshly tilled soil.  

"I thought these might help..." Shino poked at the loose soil and picked out an earthworm for Sasuke to see. 

Sasuke spared him a glance and moved over a bit. Shino then reached down and began carefully moving the worms into the bed of soil. 

A moment later, Sasuke also began moving earthworms in the soil. 

"Soil should go on top. Why? Because then the worms will be more comfortable," Shino remarked. 

I didn't think Sasuke was going to respond. But then Sasuke grabbed a handful of freshly turned soil on top of the worms, burying them. 

Ah, social progress. One step closer to becoming sociable. 

I smiled and returned to my work of cutting grass. 

Everything felt so peaceful and carefree. 

That feeling would soon be a mistake. 

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