the bet

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"So, Fitzey- you decided to pick up your matchmaking scrolls yet?" Keefe teased, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at his best friend.

Fitz glared at him, and tore a hand through his hair.  "I don't know... I'm still..."

"She isn't going to keep looking for her biological parents, you know that right?  She gave up on that years ago.  If you love her, you're just going to have to live with the fact that you'll be a bad match," Keefe told him.

Truthfully, Keefe himself hadn't given up on Sophie.  He hadn't exactly been as much of a role-model family as Fitz had, so he didn't have any problem being a bad match if it was for Sophie.  But... Sophie liked Fitz. Everyone knew that.

Why does she always feel so fluttery around you, too? the annoying little voice in his head demanded.  As an Empath, he'd always felt that, no matter how much Sophie denied it.

And now, they'd defeated the Neverseen.  And they were onto the elite levels.  And most of them were way overdue for picking up their scrolls. 

Because there's so many people waiting on Sophie, the voice pointed out.

"Shut up," Keefe grumbled aloud.

Fitz looked at him curiously. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, it's just that..." Keefe looked over at his bodyguard Ro. Even though the Neverseen had been defeated, the Council still insisted on them keeping their bodyguards.  Ro raised an eyebrow at him.

"New plan!" Ro decided.  "Whoever can suck it up and tell Sophie how you feel first- and would be willing to be unmatchable for her- you get to give the other person one unlimited dare- and before you refuse, I'm just going to say deal for both of you."

"Wait, what?!" they both asked at the same exact time.  

"That's not fair!" Fitz argued, shooting to his feet.

"When have I ever been?" she asked.

Ro went back to painting her nails.

Comment what ship you're for! Fitzphie or Sokeefe?

SOKEEFE VS FITZPHIE, kotlcWhere stories live. Discover now