Sophie narrowed her eyes at Grady suspiciously. "I thought you said I was over at his house too much and that he was a bad influence-"
"I... want to talk to him!" Grady put in quickly, Sandor nodding vigorously from beside him. "Apologize! About my... er..."
He glanced at Sandor for help.
"Overprotective dating regulations," Sandor offered hastily.
"What he said!" Grady agreed.
Sophie wasn't stupid- they were obviously scheming something. But she figured seeing Keefe would be good either way.
Sophie had never see them sweep her over to Keefe's house so fast.
"Foster! I thought you said you couldn't come over today..... oh."
His ice blue eyes fell on the seven-foot-tall goblin and overprotective dad marching behind her. Sophie grumbled something that he couldn't hear and her... er, supervisors, looked satisfied with his irritation.
But just to rub it in their faces a tiny bit, he kissed her and let her bury her head on his shoulder. Grady looked a lot less pleased.
"So what's up Grady-o? Gigantor?"
"Nothing much," Sandor promised, his voice somehow getting even higher than his already squeaky bunny voice. "Just wanted to... um... look around the house! Since Sophie spends so much time here, we figured it would be good to add some extra security measures-"
Grady elbowed him sharply as he caught Sophie raising an eyebrow in their direction.
"And also to apologize! For... overprotective dating regulations!" Sandor put in forcefully.
"What was that?" Keefe asked innocently, pretending as if he hadn't heard.
"We. Are Sorry," Sandor repeated, gritting his teeth in frustration. He glanced at Ro. "Watch these two, will you? We need to... stuff."
Ro whispered something to Sandor that made him somehow turn redder and pale at the same time. Grady snatched the goblin's elbow and practically dragged him inside.
"Do I want to know what they're doing?" Keefe asked, kissing Sophie again just for good measure, in case the two lingered.
"No," Sophie and Ro promised in unison.
"Where is the darn kid's room?!" Grady hissed, peeking inside another door.
He could tell it wasn't Keefe's room because the bed was made, the clothes were folded neatly inside the closet, and it smelled fresh.
"Here!" Sandor called from a few levels above. Grady cursed and hurried to another vomit worthy elevator ride. He found Sandor waiting at the doorway.
"How can you tell?" Grady asked. The door looked the same as all the other ones in the hallway.
Sandor opened it and instantly the usual teenage-boy stink wafted out into the corridor. The blankets were crumpled at the end of the bed and piles of rumpled tunics lay strewn across the floor. Pencils, drawings, and crumpled up pieces of paper were all sprawled across the desktop.
"Yeah, that's definitely his," Grady assured him, plugging his nose pointedly. He tripped over a pillow and landed face first in a pile of hair products and dirty clothes.
Sandor snorted and and pulled the supplies they'd packed out of the inside of his armor.
It wasn't a lot: just a bag full of alicorn poop mixed with Verdi-regurgitation, and a spoon.
"Where's his bathroom?" Sandor whispered.
"There." Grady hurried over to the second door and slipped inside.
Practically a sanctuary was dedicated to hair products: Inside his shower, in the drawers, even on top of his toilet. Sandor was the first to unfreeze in the shock of his hair obsession, beginning to pour out the colorful liquids.
He passed Grady the first bottle- some sort of gel?
He grabbed the spoon and started shoveling the disgusting poopy mixture into the empty bottle.
It took them almost two hours- god that boy had a lot of hair products -but when they were finally finished, everything looked exactly the same.
At least in Keefe's eyes.
"Finishing touch," Grady said, positioning a tiny security camera in the top corner of his bathroom.
They hurried outside, trying to pretend nothing had happened.

Fanfiction𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 ro challenges keefe and fitz to a bet - whoever confesses their feelings to sophie first gets to give the other person one unlimited dare.