"That.... doesn't sound like Fitz," Amy admitted as Sophie sped through her hasty recap of the days' events. "If they're in a bet- or actually, it's more of a competition -shouldn't they want the other person to lose? Not make the other person win?"
"Wow," Sophie said sarcastically. "Fourteen years of teaching and you've observed all that about competitions?"
Amy stared at her and laughed. "I know. It's just- from everything you've told me -and everything I've seen, it doesn't sound like those two would..."
"Ha, and you think Fitz and Keefe are bad? You should see Keefe and Tam's little squabbles. I swear, for almost nineteen year olds, they sure are whiny."
"I was under the impression that you all were," Amy deadpanned.
"Ha ha ha," Sophie said with mock enthusiasm. "But... we're veering off subject. What do I do? I don't want to be some princess in a tower waiting for my dear little princes to see who can rescue me first. I want to- you know, get out of the darn tower myself."
"Nice analogy- I've never been any good at those. And have you really not figured out how you're going to end the ship war?"
"Nope," Sophie told her, without giving it a second thought.
"It's kind of universal," Amy confessed. "If you want to stop waiting on them, you should just tell one of them yourself."
"I heard Pretty Boy went over to your girls' house the other day," Ro said, grinning, as she blew on one of her half-painted claws.
"Yesterday," Keefe grumbled. "But... I'd assume that if anything had happened there, Fitz would've came in and rubbed it in my face extra hard."
"Nope! You're thinking of me- and Bangs Boy," Ro said, still smiling coyly.
"You're creepy," Keefe decided, as he hopped off of his bed to pace.
"So what's it going to be then?" Ro said sweetly- which would've been a lot easier to believe if her claws weren't painted a very intimidating red. "Are you going to tell your girl? Or are you going to let Fitzy win- again?"
Keefe tore a hand through his careful hairstyle and sank back onto his bed. "I'm... still deciding."
"Is this about Pretty Boy?" Ro groaned.
"No. It's about what Sophie would want," Keefe argued, beginning to feel very tired of this conversation.
Ro looked like she was going to speak, but Keefe cut her off before she could start.
"I...have an exam tomorrow. Foxfire- I should really get to studying- or maybe get a good night's rest?"
"It's barely six," Ro said blandly, raising an eyebrow. "But I'd be happy to make you study."
Keefe groaned, realizing what he'd just gotten himself into.
Keefe or Fitz? Keefe or Fitz? Keefe or Fitz?
The words bounced around like a bag full of rubber balls around a skate park in her head. Fitz was her ex-boyfriend- but she'd never talked to Keefe about any sort of relationship- or what relationship they had at the moment.
He'd always liked to tease her about it... but that was nothing more than a tease, was it? A/N Sophie WHY are you so oblivious?!! Whether you're Team Fitzphie or Sokeefe, I think the entire Keeper Fandom can agree that, like, seriously, Sophie... PLEASE BE LESS OBLIVIOUS!!
But... one name just seemed more right than the other. And maybe that was just her heart? Or maybe her brain? Sophie had no idea, but as soon as she thought about it, she knew exactly who that right person was.
Her heart nestled itself back into place after years of heartbreak, and now, after all this time, all these useless dates that ended in humiliation or anger, all those Foxfire dances and drinks...
She knew just the person she wanted to spend her entire life with.
And she was ready.

Fanfiction𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 ro challenges keefe and fitz to a bet - whoever confesses their feelings to sophie first gets to give the other person one unlimited dare.