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One of Sophie's favorite parts of visiting her boyfriend was seeing Lord Cassius's face every time she faded into view and smiled sweetly at him. He'd taken to sitting right at the window by the porch... for about five minutes. Then Keefe sent Ro after him and he never touched them again.

"Keefe?" She called, scanning the porch for a sign of him.  

"Oh hey Foster!"  Keefe hopped out the ledge of the window- which usually would mean certain death for humans.  Instead, he levitated to safety right in front of her and kissed her.

Sophie was pretty sure she'd never get used to that feeling.

"Ew, stop snogging each other!"  Ro said, disgusted. In the first few days after they made it official to her, she was delighted. Now, four days in, she was about as thrilled as Sandor was.

"Snogging?"  Sophie asked her. "What are you, British?"

Ro held up a Harry Potter book that Sophie must've brought in her bag innocently.  "What? You're human language is easy to figure out."

"How do you live with her?" Sophie asked Keefe exasperated.

"I don't," Keefe said simply, pulling her in for another kiss....

There lips touched and for a second Sophie didn't want to do anything else but sit there with her boyfriend and....

"What are you guys doing?" somebody said sharply.

Sophie groaned and pulled away.



Fitz had only gone to the Shores of Solace to get back a few Foxfire textbooks he'd lended to Keefe.

Ever since that day in Foxfire, they'd been acting weirdly.. avoiding him, trying to do whatever they could not to look at him.

Though the fact that Keefe had rejected Sophie and now he owed Keefe one unlimited dare might've had something to do with that.

He had just leaped over to Keefe's house when he saw his ex and his best friend kissing each other tightly, embracing like they'd been together for years...

A horrible suspician crept into his mind as he asked them, forcing sharp edges into his tone, "What are you guys doing?"

Sophie pulled away and looked at him like she'd rather be seeing a pile of big sparkly poop with a sign that said "JUMP IN!" For a second she just gave a little squeak, stared at Keefe (who remained motionless without expression) than to him, then back to Keefe.

"I..." she trailed off, brushing a strand of hair behind her ears as her cheeks began to take on an adorable red tint. 

Fitz was struck in that moment how brilliant and beautiful his ex really was.. and how stupid he'd been to reject her and to never be able to suck up the courage and tell her he still loved her...

"I have something- we -have to tell you," Sophie said finally. "We're kinda.. together."

"Like physically together? Or emotionally? Or just as we-just-happened-to-be-standing-next-to- each-other together?" Fitz rambled awkwardly, even though he knew the answer.

"Er- dating," Keefe admitted, putting a protective arm around Sophie. "We finally admitted it to each other Fitzey!" He looked like he was about to crack some sort of smart joke, but looked at Fitz's furious expression and fell silent.

"But- I- you can't do that!" Fitz spluttered. "She's mine! You can't just... take her from me!"

"Foster's not an object. She's not a toy, okay? She's a real, living person, and she can decide whatever she wants to. You don't get to talk about her like that, and you don't get to call her yours!" 

"Um.. guys?" Sophie piped up. "I'm still standing right-"

"Fine!" Fitz told him angrily, completely ignoring her. "Be that way! Some friend you are."

Keefe sent him a surly glare- and Fitz really didn't have the courage to see Sophie's face -as he raised his home crystal up to the light and glittered away without the tiniest bit of regret.

*Sticks tongue out at Fitz* 

Sokeefe is a thing! It's official! So yay! Be happy!

Edit: Rereading this (and cringing...) and I realized I put in a sentence that does not sound like Keefe at all! So sorry guys! So I edited it out, hope it's better! <3 Love you all, and TYSM for 122K views! Seriously, that's crazy! :) <3


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