shhh !

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"That Boy!" Grady grumbled again, stabbing at his food so hard that his plate tipped over, spilling its contents across the floor.  

Sophie had to stifle a laugh- her adoptive dad had been growling and sulking and cursing Keefe the entire afternoon.  Edaline had the wisdom not to ask about it.

Grady stalked out of the kitchen to his bedroom and Edaline shot her an odd glance before following Grady inside.  Sophie wished she could pick out the smudges of conversation she picked up, but finally gave up when her stomach so cruelly reminded her that she'd hastened to finish her dinner.

Sophie smiled to herself, reaching for some healthy slop-looking thing that Edaline had concocted, but grabbed a ripplefluff instead.


"Don't murder your daughter's boyfriend,"  Edaline said soothingly, as Grady resumed his angry pacing around their tennis-court sized bedroom.  "He's a prankster, that's why she loves him."

"Lord Hunkyhair day?" Grady demanded.  Edaline had thankfully conjured away all the streamers- although he wished she could conjure away the lingering stench of gulon farts -and put everything back to normal.  Though Grady had frustratingly pointed out that she'd replaced a few of the former teal decorations with ice blue ones.

"Why do you hate him so much?"

Grady scowled and stopped walking.  "I don't hate him.  I just get irritated.  Because of his pranks. And... I don't want him to be unhappy, especially if it makes Sophie unhappy. Sometimes I just wish I made him a little irritated too."

"I'm sure you already do,"  Edaline promised, sounding amused.  "But rethink what you just said, and maybe that will give you an-"

"Idea!"  Grady finished, already racing out of the door.  "Thank you!"


"Aw, come on! I haven't seen him... since two hours ago!"  Sophie begged.

"As That Boy always says, I must.... ah, how does he put it? 'Deprive you of your Hunkyhair privileges,'" Sandor insisted, smiling when his charge pouted. 

"Sandor.  I need to talk to you," Grady whispered from the stairway.  

He snapped back to attention, straightening his posture slightly.  "Security issues?"

"The security of my daughter and her relationships perhaps,"  Grady said pointedly.  He might as well wave a big sign that said LETS GO GET REVENGE ON KEEFE SENCEN!

Sophie shrugged when Sandor glanced back at him.  "Have your mother watch you, alright?  This will only take a moment, and I trust her abilities."

His charge nodded, smiling to herself, before taking off towards her parents' bedroom.  "So."

"We're pranking That Boy,"  Grady announced triumphantly.  

"We're pranking amateurs! We have no idea where to start or how to-"  Sandor began after a beat of startled silence.

"I'm a Mesmer.  You're a seven foot tall goblin with a squeaky bunny voice-" Sandor scowled. "-and an arsenal of wicked looking swords.  My daughter has five abilities.  I think we can manage."

Sandor sighed, adjusting his goblin throwing knives in his breastplate.  "Where do we start?"

"Let's tell Sophie some news I'm sure she'd love to hear,"  Grady said, grinning evilly.  "We're going to Keefe's house."

decided on option #3 ! shoutout to u all for giving me such great ideas , this fanfic wouldn't be possible without u <3

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