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Sophie smirked as Keefe' voice echoed through the Havenfield pastures and all the way into the living room. Grady raised a disgruntled eyebrow in her direction and Sophie just shrugged.

"Coming!" She slipped out of the door, making sure to close it all the way as she made her way across the fields where her boyfriend was waiting for her beneath Calla's panakes tree.

"What's up Hunkyhair?" She leaned against the side of the panakes tree, twisting a strand of hair on her finger.

"Nothing. Just wanted to see you," Keefe added, leaning over to kiss her.

Sophie slid down onto the wet grass, crossing her feet and leaning her head on Keefe's shoulder.

"How's life?" she offered, laying down the strand of hair neatly on her shoulder to intertwine her hands with Keefe's.

"Eh. Nothing much- just annoying Bangs Boy."

"The usual then," Sophie asked, laughing when Keefe didn't deny it.

She caught Keefe staring at her and flushed, giving him a tiny grin.

"Sophie," Keefe whispered and her breath caught as she wondered what he was going to say. "I-"

"Almost- ah!" a muffled voice yelped from behind them. Sophie dropped his hands so fast that her palms stung as she whirled around to face a very embarrassed looking Grady scrambling to his feet in the grass behind them.

"Dad!" Sophie scolded, blushing so hard that her cheeks heated. "What are you-?"

She glanced upwards to see practically a tree house built into the panakes tree, equipped with binoculars and a... camera. It was mostly covered by fluorescent green leaves and had been painted a similar neon color that easily blended in with the greenery.

"You built an entire treehouse to spy on me and Foster?" Keefe asked, laughing.

Sandor poked his head from out of the tree house as he noticed all the yelping and turned a similar shade of pink that all of their faces were turning.

Grady huffed, stalking forward to jab a finger at Keefe's chest.  "If you dare touch my precious girl-"

"Dad!"  Sophie cut in, exasperated.  "He's my boyfriend, of course he can touch me- shoot, that came out really, really, really, really, really wrong-"

Grady looked aghast and Sophie was afraid he was fuming so hard he might run out of breath.  "Listen here Sencen boy,"  he continued, directing his attention back to Keefe.  "She is way to young for this! Wait another seventy years and I'll be able to go through your whole dating process a lot easier-"

"Dad, I'm like-" 

Keefe sent her a glance that said wait for him to shut up first and Sophie had to stifle her giggle with her sleeve while Grady continued to pound Keefe with questions.

".... and so! Do you have anything you would like to say to me young man? Perhaps 'Yes, I will back off of your daughter?' I suppose 'I apologize for traumatizing you,' would work too.  So?"  He demands again.

Keefe just grinned, said, "Love you more than you'll ever know Foster," and kissed her one last time.  Grady's eyes widened at his defiance.

"I've got an idea,"  Keefe whispered as Grady stalked back towards the house.

sorry for exaggerating grady's character just a tEeNy bit ... it was just so fun to write and i got carried away (: 

hope u all still enjoyed ! love u <3

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