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Sophie waited until they as-silently-as-possible leaped away to strangle Keefe.


"And you love it," Keefe told her grinning, which was a frustratingly good point.

Sophie shook her head and refused to be that kind of friend to Biana. "Do you know how hard it  was to finally get Biana to forgive Tam?"

"No more harder than it is to get Tam to forgive me when he finds out," Keefe pointed out.

"But- wait. When he finds out? Don't you mean if he finds out?"

Keefe rolled his eyes at her. "You're about to launch into a huge speech about how that was the wrong thing to do and I need to go and apologize to Tam right this instant to tell him what I did and make it up to him while you tell Biana alllllll that happened and try to get them back together."

Sophie blinked. He should've gotten the ability to tell the future.

But a brilliant idea popped up in her head- one that she really, really, really wanted to do.

"Nope," Sophie promised sweetly. "Don't you worry your little pretty head about it. I got it allllll covered. You just sit in your bedroom and reflect about your life choices."

Now it was Keefe's turn to blink. "Okayyyyyy."

Sophie smirked at him and leaned over to gently bop him on the nose. "See ya."



Tam's pretty pink twin sister answered the door for him. "How'd it go with Bianaaaaa?"

"YOU MADE IT LOOK LIKE I PEED MY PANTS!" Tam shouted angrily.

"What?" Linh asked quizzically, watching her brother storm into the house dripping wet, shaking water all over the floor. "I didn't do anything! I was here painting-"

"THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS?!" Tam pointed to his pants which were soaked in water.

"I was painting!" Linh insisted. "Look. I'll show you what I did."

She lead him into her bedroom and pointed to a canvas with beautiful light colored strokes. The paint beside it was still wet and and there were splotches of fresh acrylic all over the table.

Tam's glare softened. "Then who did it?"

Linh shrugged. "I don't know. But I think I can guess...."

His glare snapped back just as quickly. "Keefe."


"Tam! I've been looking for you-"

"Well I haven't, I've been looking for Keefe," Tam snapped at Sophie. "Where is he? He's your boyfriend isn't he? Lost him already?"

Sophie backed up a step. "Um... no? Listen. You found out about the water guns didn't you?"

Tam grumbled something inaudible.

Sophie grinned at him and whispered her plan in his ear.....


"Umm... Sophie?" 

Biana plucked up her Imparter from the nightstand. "What are you doing?"

"Listen," she said, sounding breathless. "You know how you thought Tam peed his pants and ran away on him?"

"I'd never forget it," Biana promised, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"That wasn't pee. It was water-"

"Sure," Biana cut in, snorting. "It's clear he didn't really want to see me if he decided to chase me away by peeing-"

"From Keefe and Ro's water guns!" Sophie finished pointedly.

Biana fell silent for a minute. That made a lot of sense....

"So... are we doing take two?" Biana asked nervously.

Sophie shook her head. "No. I have a better idea. Meet me after Foxfire tomorrow... with water guns...."


"Yay! You're here," Sophie whispered.

"How'd you chase Keefe off?" Tam asked, smirking.

"I told him to go in his room with Ro and reflect about his life choices," Sophie informed him. "For now... "

She pointed to her water-blaster-thingy and grinned. "Who wants payback on Lord Hunkyhair?"

If the whole elvin world could've agreed, Sophie was nearly positive they would've. 

SOKEEFE VS FITZPHIE, kotlcWhere stories live. Discover now