"Is it love?" Chapter 16

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Mikey was walking around in the sewers
"Raph! Raph you here?"

He kept to call the name of his brother, hoping he didn't go too far, and hoping he actually didn't go out of the sewers.

After more or less half hour, he still didn't have trace of his brother, he reached a part of the sewers that they never saw, but he isn't going to give up.
"Raaaph! Please tell me y'here!"

No response.

[Sigh]"come on Raphie.." he still keep to walk around, he clenches his fists, inhaling air in his lungs.






Beautiful darkness...beautiful silence... beautiful loneliness...

It felt beautiful.

Wait, it felt?

No, he was feeling nothing.

And for this reason, it was beautiful.

Cause no feeling, no pain.

But he knows his sore heart was still fighting for feelings. He would suddenly just get again all the sadness and all the anger, he would suddenly remember all the times he was happy with his lover, and this would just hurt more.

His green eyes opened up, he was on the ground, curled up in a ball, he had fallen  in a light sleep, a sleep that wasn't deep  enough for dreaming, but was enough for not thinking.
The perfect sleep.

He sits up slowly, what time is it? Is night outside? He has no idea and he doesn't care, all his body was feeling flabby, so the thought of keep hiding outside, jump and run on roofs..nah, even a ninja can be lazy sometimes, no?

He sniffes slightly, gulping, and then doing a soft grimace as he felt how dry his troath is.
He rubs his bloodshot eyes, those were kinda burning a bit, and also his chest was annoying him slightly, he doesn't know if this is for the long sobbing or just for the fall of before.
The headache he had was lighter now, probably due the rest he just got.
"I must be looking like a shit" he thought, but then he stopped thinking of this, after all who cares? Nobody is gonna see him like this so-


"Mikey..?" He said with a raspy and quiet voice. "Why should he look for me tho?


His green eyes got widen, he gets up quickly running towards the voice.

"Mikey?! Where are you??" He was talking loudly, ignoring the pain of his troath.


"Mikey?! Where are you??"

"Raphie! Raphie is here!" Mikey thought smiling, not just he is proud of himself for using the 'pretend-to-be-in- danger-so-big-protective-brother-comes' technique, but he was so glad that his big brother actually still cares about him.
Michelangelo starts to run towards the voice of Raphael

"I am here! I am-" he stops as he saw his brother.
"Raph!" He runs to him and hug him tight.

Green eyes look at the little brother hugging him tight
"What happened? Are you okay? S-Someone followe-"

"There's no danger Raph, I was just trying to get your attention"
the orange masked turtle said, keeping to hug his brother

The hot head turtle would've been angry in this kind of situation, but now what's the use of feeling ((*cough* blue *cough*)) like that? Just an useless waste of energy.
So Raph just sighed softly, hugging back Mikey slightly, even if he actually wanted to cling to his little brother as if he were a lifeline, but what if Mikey then wants to move away? Better hold him softly.

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