"Is it love?" Chapter 20

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Before to start I wanna say it:

If you like Raphonardo

Go read "i want you" of FearlessBlu_boyo05

I love it and I am sure you'll love too.


after reading my chapter tho 😌


After a long patrol outside with Casey, he came back in the lair since some minutes ago, knowing that all his brothers are sleeping.

He looks at his buddy Chompy on his chest.

"What do I do Chompy?"
He said caressing his little shell.

"Leo's try'na talk to me, I don't know what's that about..shall I keep ignorin' him?"

The little tortoise looks at Raph, and after a really slight whine, he strokes his nose on his owner's chest, near his neck.
He must not like this idea.

"Hm, so I should talk to him uh..but how do I approach him now? Maybe I should just go there and talk? Or shall I wait a moment when I'm alone with him?"

He looks at his little friend, that was laying on his plastron with eyes closed, he does a slight but warm smile, keeping to caress him.

"I guess Imma just wait for him to come again and try'na talk, I won't ignore him this time..thanks lil'bud"

Chompy just cuddles more under Raph's chin, with a soft sigh of relief from the nose.
Raph couldn't help but smile more, closing his eyes and eventually, after wishing the goodnight to Chompy, falling asleep.


"I can't sleep."

His sapphire blue eyes were wide open in the darkness.

He sits up, it's useless how much he tries, he just can't close his eyes.
He doesn't know what is keeping his mind awake. "Maybe I should meditate about it"
But as he was thinking of it, he hears the door of Raph getting opened and then closed, he knows it's the one of his hothead brother cause it's the one next to his room.

"Raph came back now? It's 2am..[sigh] how couldn't I even notice."

He kept to stay sit for some time, just looking at the ground, then, he suddenly sit on the ground in a meditating position, deciding to calm down like that.

After one hour, he breaks his meditation, that's cause he realized what was keeping his mind awake.


The first thought in his mind would be about him, he could hear his voice in his head, and memories of them together would just come back.

"I just need to see him, to see that he is fine"

So he stands up, slowly getting out of his room, and in few time reaching the front of Raph's door.
He leans his ear a bit closer to it, with the attempt to hear a sign that his brother is sleeping, and he looked satisfied as the sound of the soft snoring reached his hearing.
So he opens the door really slowly, looking inside the room, there was just a slight light next to the bed, since the little tortoise Chompy is scared of the complete darkness. That slight light though was enough for Leo to see his brother. He approaches him and smiles at the sight;

Raph was asleep on his back, one his hand unstretched, hanging out of the bed, the other one was gently leaned on Chompy's shell, who was sleeping with his muzzle buried under Raph's chin and moving slowly up and down cause of the chest's movement of his owner.
Raph's face was peaceful, his eyes closed and relaxed, his mouth slightly opened, and his head a little bit turned on the side, for this reason there was a thin streak of saliva coming out from the corner of his lips. "He must be really tired" Leo thought, a smile never leaving his expression. He really gently pick up Raph's arm that was out of the bed and leans it gently on the bed, he doesn't want that arm to annoy his little brother in the morning.

For the rest though, he was fine, and this made Leo being pretty more calm. After a last glanch to his asleep brother, he leaves the room, heading his and, closed the door after him, he lays on the bed and relaxes, he was feeling better, a way better, like if just at the sight of his lover everything felt good...

Wait, lover?

Yeah, apparently, he has still feelings for him, it's funny, right?
When Raph was keeping to hope for Leo to be still inlove, he has been treating him pretty bad, the blue masked turtle was feeling guilt for this, he had no reason for being that angry with the red one:

"Why did I even want to hate him?"

"What was wrong with my mind?"

"Why did I say to him all those bad things?"

Those were the questions that the fearless leader was asking to himself, but the main thing that he was wondering is:

"What did make me change my mind about him now? Why do I suddenly feel again all the love I thought I've lost for him?"

Well, for how difficult those feelings can be, the explaination is kind of simple;
when Raph was trying to keep the hope, to make them being together, Leo was in deep feeling still important, he didn't realize that he actually wanted Raph to do like that, because it made him not to feel for real the distance; the feeling to be loved and wanted never disappeared, untill Raph actually stopped to go after him.

In that moment, Leo really understood how it is to miss someone, he wasn't feeling necessary anymore, and the thought that his hot head brother actually gave up on something..he gave up on the love of him and his family! No, Raph never gave up, why he had to just about him?
That's not right, he is going to fix this.

But for now, let's just sleep.



"Okay, it's not that difficult.
He is in a good mood, he is laughing and playing with Mikey!...But maybe should I wait that he finishes to play the videogame? But what if then he closes again himself in his room?
Well.. there's always the backup plan of master Splinter making us train alone in the dojo..
But still, I've got to try to stop him now, I need to talk to him.
...maybe after he finishes the match...



No-..that was the second round, ugh! Just another one and I can go..


He took that curve too wide, he is never gonna win like thi- ooh-... Well, yeah, that's good move, heh, Mikey has crashed so badly..



Now you have no excuse Leonardo

Go and talk to your brother


He walks towards the TV, while Raph was making fun of Mikey for the car crash and
vaunting for his victory.


Raphael, still smiling slightly from the laughing of before, looks up to Leo

"What'd cha wanna fearless?"

"Yeah, he is totally in a good mood.. that's good I guess..then why am I even more nervous?" Leo thought, as he saw how Raph looked different, maybe he was scared to ruin his mood? His brother was finally smiling, what if the thing he is going to say will make him upset again?

"Uh...Earth to Leo? Ya okay dude?"

Emerald eyes look at the sapphire eyes in a slight worry:

"Oh y-yeah! Yeah I am fine I just want to talk to you about..something, can you come in the dojo?"


Raph answered a bit insecure, he knew this moment was going to come, and for this he thought he would have not been anxious, but he was, even if he has been hiding it pretty good before.

The red masked got up, and as the blue one started to head the dojo, he gave a nervous glanch to Mikey, who did a reassuring smile with a thumb up. That was enough for Raph to feel a bit better, he was so glad to have a little brother like him.

He reaches the dojo and as the oldest turned to him, with a severe look and straight and stiffen position, the hot head knew that it was going to be an important talk.

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