"Is it love?" Chapter 19

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As a knock fill the silent air of the laboratory, he looks up from the experiment in front of himself, he was seeing how the mutagen reacted to some human substances.

"Come in"

Leonardo opens slowly the door, hesitating before to enter completely.

"Hey Don"

"Hey Leo, do you need anything?"

"Kind of, I need of an advice"

Donnie was studying his oldest brother, he looked.. different, less confident, and also less..cold? This got him pretty curious, so he pats slightly the chair next to him, and the blue one approaches him, sitting on that, but he was keeping silence, that's cause he was pretty surprised that his smart brother made him even enter in his lab, judging by the last thing he said to him.."Do you even see a family here?"
So stupid..

"So, what's up Leo?"

"Uh..well, I was thinking that maybe it's better if..you know, we tell Splinter about.. you know"

His "eyebrows" raises up slightly, surprised of those words:
"About your relationship with R-"

"Yes, that."

"Hm, and how can I be useful in this?"

"I-..[sigh] I don't know, I wanted just to know if I should do it or not."

"Well, I am not sure if this is a good thing or not, I mean, it's pretty long time that Splinter wants to know what happened, and maybe telling him can solve things out? But from the other side may happen that Sensei doesn't accept it at all, and will react like..me..heh."

"That's what I fear.."

After a short time of silence, Donnie talked again:
"Leo, listen, I think you should tell him, we are a family and there must be no secret.
But still..why do you want to do it now? Didn't you break with Raph just for not making Splinter find out?"

"Well..yeah kind of, but I mainly do that for not making things into the family.. weird and awful, after all we are brothers, incest is pretty wrong as a thing"

"Well, genetically talking, we are not brothers, we are not of the same species and that's pretty obvious considering our different colour of skin, plastron, and the different tracery of our shells, and-"

"Donnie I've got it, but we grew up as brothers"

"it's not the same thing"

"It is"

"[Sigh] whatever you say Leo"

Leonardo, wanting to take back the topic of before, talks after few time again:

"So..you think I should tell him?"

"Weell..I think you and Raph should tell him together"

"What? You know Raph won't ever accept it!"

"Why not?"

"Because he will never do something that I want him to do, we would end up in another fight.."

"Though, you can't tell Splinter something that involves also Raph, without his consent"
He said crossing his arms.

"[Sigh] Yes you're right.."

Donnie puts an hand on Leo's shoulder:
"Leo, I don't know how your head works, because in this moment I am pretty confused about your bipolar choises, but whatever you are going to do, I am going to help you out..or get you reasoning if you get out again of your mind"

"Heh, thanks Donnie"
He looks at his purple brother with a slight smile.

"No problem big bro"
He said smiling back.

Leo then gets up:
"Okay Don, I think I am going to convince Raph now, wish me a lot of luck"
He starts to get out of the laboratory.

"Heh yeah, goodluck Leo"

As he got out of there, he takes a deep breath, "Ok, Raph, where's Raph?"
He starts to head the dojo, but his brother wasn't there, so he walks towards the room of the red masked turtle, Leonardo has got that the hot head was there just by hearing the sound of fists hitting a punching bag.
He faces the door, and after a deep breath he knocks.

The sound of the punching stops, now just a slight panting could be heard, followed then by a hoarsely voice:
"Mikey, gimme 10 minutes and I come"

"I am not Mikey"

Raph stiffens at that voice "Why is he here? Wasn't he ignoring me? Did I do something?  What the shell does he want?"
He takes a breath stopping to overthink, he just growls softly, not wanting to look at the shit-face right now, or at least that's what he was forcing himself to think:

"Go away."

He just restarts with punching the bag, even if his mind was completely somewhere else.

Leonardo couldn't help but frown:
"Come on Raph, I have to tell you something."

Raphael doesn't even answer, he just kept going with training.

The blue masked tried to open the door, but that was locked:
"Oh come on! Raph, just open this door already!"

"Go fuck yerself fearless."

After a very irritated sigh, he starts to go away from the front of the door of his brother, he will get him when he will be out of the room.

But Leonardo's plan doesn't seem to work.

Raph would ignore completely Leo, and if he even dared to block his way, Raph would push him away.
The red masked turtle always locked his room, and would let in just Mikey, during meals he would eat quickly and go away before everyone, and as the sun went down, he would immediately get out.

In short, Leo didn't get the chance to get a single word from Raph for all the day.
Or at least words different by:
"Get outta my way"
"Go fuck yerself"
"Go away"
Or "I am goin'"

Yeah, he surely wasn't in a good mood.

But Leo didn't give up.

The next day, when Raph got out of the lair in evening, the leader in blue went to his father, asking him for help:

Leo called his father, that was meditating in the dojo.

Splinter openes his eyes and looks at his son:
"Yes, my son?"

"I uh..can I ask you something?"

"Sure you can Leonardo, come."

Leo approaches his father and gets sit on the floor, in front of him.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Well..I would like to tell you what happened Sensei..though, Donnie made me realize that it's not fair if I tell you this without Raph consent. So I wanted to talk to him but he would keep to ignore me, I can't litterelly get a word from him cause he would just go away..can you help me Sensei?"

he caresses slightly his beard.
"And how do you think I should help, Leonardo?"

"I don't know..maybe you can..force me and Raph talk? Maybe sending just us two on a patrol?"

"I think it would be too dangerous, but I have a plan my son. I can make you two have an extra training in the dojo, since you are ahead of your brothers with katas, I can command you to teach to Raphael a new one, what do you think?"

"This would be perfect Sensei, thanks"
He said with a smile.

Splinter smiled back, stroking his son's head:
"Anything for my Leonardo"

After another thank and a bow, the blue masked turtle gets out of the dojo heading his room, the next day, would have been the day.

"I just hope this is going to work"

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