"Is it love?" Chapter 17

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They finally reach the lair, it was a long walk from the place they ended up of the sewers. As they come in, a worried father goes towards them:
"My sons! Thanks Godness you are alright"

Raph was keeping to look down, he doesn't know how he is looking now, but the feeling of being a frikking rag still remains, so he can just imagine.
But the red turtle couldn't help but look up when he noticed that there was a weird silence. As he did so, he met the eyes of his little brother and his father, they were looking at him:

He said with a bit raspy voice.

Mikey was frowning at the sight, his big brother looked exhausted, now that there was light, he could see the bloodshot of his eyes, his paler skin, the belt, the protections and the mask were still a bit wet, and there was also a darker stain on his chest, that they learned being the bruises that come on the shell, and then also the under of his chin was a bit scratched, Raph didn't even notice that he actually hit his chin during the fall.

Splinter talked first, trying to hide his concern, since everyone knows that Raph hates when someone worries about him:
"You should go to eat something and rest my son."

"Yeah I know I know"
Raphael couldn't bear to stay there and being observed, so he just goes straight to the bathroom, he needs a shower.

Michelangelo sighed softly, looking then at Splinter:
"Father.. is everything gonna be ok again..?"

The human rat looks at his optimistic son, who right now actually, wasn't looking so optimistic, he was doubting that things are going to be settled down, but Splinter won't let it happen, he put his hand on his son's head, stroking him gently:

"My little Michelangelo, I can not give you the word that everything is going to be alright soon, the heart of this family looks like is going to shatter, this is hurt right now and it may take time to heal, but I know it will heal, because our family is strong, the love of this family is strong. I will do everything I can for helping us to heal, and I know you and Donatello will do the same. We just must be united. Alright my son?"
He was saying all of this with a reassuring smile, and Mikey couldn't help but smile back:

"Yeah you're right father! We are gonna make it!"

"That's my Michelangelo"
Stokes a bit more his son's head with a slight wider smile:
"Now go to prepare something to eat for Raphael, he hasn't eaten all the day"

[Nods energetically] "Hai sensei! Thank you!" He bows and quickly goes towards the kitchen.






Clean your mind

Make it empty




"This is just so perfect"

No, inhale

"I love you Leo"


"I love you too Raph, so mu-"


Blue sapphire eyes open up quickly.

He grabs his head from his meditating position on the floor, his shadow dancing behind him cause of the candles.

"Why can't I just forget? Forget everything happened, forget the words that has been told, forget the..love, the love that I received and gave."
He looks at the candles, his expression got slightly sadder as he remembered of the candles that Raph-


Stop it stop it stop it!

He punches hard the ground underneath him.

Leo looks down the the spot he just hit, his empty expression got sadder, always sadder, untill he feels a slight burning of his eyes, but he won't let tears fall, no, he won't.

"I want to forget.."
He said with a quiet tone.

The imagine of his lover underneath himself came again in his mind..
The lust on his smirk, his green bright eyes, full of desire, pleasure..and love.

His gentle touch.

The scent of his skin.

The sound of his pleasure moans.

Hearing his own name, said by that voice, that charming voice.

The feeling of his soft lips on his..

"..I miss him.."

It's useless how much he can hide it, it's useless how cold, heartless or emotionless he looks.

He damn miss his lover.


"Wow, I actually feel better"

Raph thought, while tying his new mask around his head, after he wiped the water of the shower.

He was feeling..okay.

Like if his problems slipped away from his body together with the water.

He can't ignore the slight pain on his heart.

But that is..bearable.


He put an hand on his plastron, on the spot where his stomach is.

"Maybe I should eat somethin'"

He gets out of the bathroom, and his stomach growled again as he smelled something good, hm, that's hotdog's smell.

He reaches the kitchen, where he found Mikey putting on the plate two big hotdogs.

"Hey Mikey"

"Oh hey Raph!"
He said smiling widely
"You're just in time! You prefer ketchup or barbeque?"


"On it!"

After that the "chef Michelangelo", that's how he calls himself, put the sauce on the wurstel, he serves the plate to Raph, that meanwhile sat down on the chair, leaning at the table, he looks up to his little brother, with a slight, but still sincere smile:
"Thanks lil'bro"

Mikey's grin wides even more, he hasn't seen that sincere smile on his brother since long "No problem Raphie!"
He side hugs the red masked turtle, but he moves away after few time:

"Now eat! I can hear your stomach begging for food"

"Heh..yeah, I can hear it too"
He grabs an hotdog, starting to eat it.
"After a good eat and sleep, I will be better, yeah, I will."
And after this thought, he kept eating, focusing only on his chewing and on the good taste of the hotdog.

Mikey couldn't ignore the fact that his brother would still look in front of himself with a empty look, but hey! He smiled! And he looks better than before.

Everything is going to be perfectly fine!


Wow, already a new chapter!..
..that's probably cause I am bored during online classes.
Yeah, it's for that.

Don't take example from me kids
Stay focus during lessons, school is important.


Anyway I wanted to thank you all for all the attention that this story got.

+1.5k readings!

I didn't expect that, even cause my english pretty sucks, I think you noticed it.
But still, thanks y'all, I wuv you UwU

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