"Is it love?" Chapter 4

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"Calm down, breath.. breath..."

he was saying inside his head while meditating, untill he thought again about the kiss and he blushed hard:

"Oh come on! Why am I still nervous??" he could feel his heart beating fast, so he takes a deep breathe for slowing it down:

"okay, I just kissed my brother, I don't have to panic too much, nobody saw us and he will keep the secret...then..he said he liked it so..." opens his eyes and does an idiotic blushing-smiling face:

"he liked it, gosh he liked it..eh eh ehNO-..nonono I agreed with him that it was wrong, so stop thinking at his cutie blushing face...shell his lips are so soft, It was better than in my dreams..." Blushes even more:

"damn I should really stop it, I am freaking myself out". As he finished with this thought he gets up:

"maybe Mikey is up already cooking breakfa-" his thought get interrupted by Michelangelo's complaining voice:

"Come on Raaaaph..! I need to use the bathroom right nooow!"

"Okay okay! I am gettin' out!" He said as he comes out from the bathroom with a frustrated look:

"See? I am out bonehead! I just needed other few seconds!"

After a innocent smile, the youngest turtle enters in the bathroom while Raphael was about to enter in his room, but before getting in he noticed that the older brother was looking at his direction, he looked back but after few time the red-masked looked down and entered in his room.
Leonardo does a slight sigh and heads to the kitchen, just sitting on the chair and leaning his elbows on the table, he is not going to touch or cook anything, cause he knows it would end up all in fire.

After the breakfast, that consisted mainly in Raph avoiding Leo's contact eyes, in Leo trying to not blush as fuck, in Mikey doing a mess with cooking and eating and in Donnie risking to fall asleep on his coffee, they went to the dojo where, thanks goodness, Splinter didn't make the blue and the red turtle spar.

After the training, everyone went to do their usual things: Donnie headed to his lab, Mikey to the kitchen, calling already Ice cream kitty name, Leo to the TV, ready for watching Space heroes, and Raph to his room.

However, Leonardo wasn't paying attention at the program, and that never, and I repeat, NEVER EVER happened.
He was just thinking of Raphael, and he couldn't help it, so he decided to do something that his brain absolutely didn't want to do, but his heart was yelling and was winning against the brain.

So he didn't even realized that he walked to Raph's room and that he was standing in front of the door, he didn't realize it untill the sound of his hand knocking at the door woke him up.

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