"Is it love?" Chapter 8

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His blue eyes were looking around, he couldn't believe at what he was watching.

The big room, that before was a bedroom of the hotel, seemed as new, or even better!

It was all clean, there was not a single sign of dirt or old-age, things that was present in the other rooms or in the hallway.
The furniture and walls have been repaired, the curtains were white and clean, the glass of the great window was perfectly transparent, looking out on a beautiful view of the city and the starred sky.
The bed has new bordeaux and white blankets with a lot of big pillows, making that look very comfortable and soft. Next to the bed there was also a flower pot with inside beautiful blue roses.

But what was impressing Leo the most, was another thing:

since there was no electricity, no lamp in there worked, but Raph thought of it too.

The room was being lighted by candles.

A lot of candles of every type, some of them was also leaving a very enjoyable scent of..cinnamon, "my favorite kind of tea" Leo thought.
The candles made their shadows dancing and moving in a very elegant and relaxing way..the atmosphere was warm then...

It all was just so perfect.


"Ya surprised? I told ya I can be veeery romantic" he smirked to his amazed lover, all the hard work and the dealing with a lotta bugs..*shivers*..was worth it just for the reaction of Leo.

The blue masked turtle looks around, walking slowly inside, he looks out the window:

"So that's why you were always tired.."

He approaches the bed and looks at the roses, touching those: "true roses..how the hell did he find these?" Thinks "how can he be so.. perfect?" He turns to Raph, with the warmest smile he could do:

"oh Raph.. all this is so beautiful.."

Raphael smiles more, his eyes were shining of happiness, his heart was filled of warm "it totally was worth it" he thought before to answer:

"I am glad ya liked it, but ya know what I like more of this room?"


The red masked smirked, while getting closer to Leo:
"The bed"

As he said it, he pushes Leo on the bed, and he goes on him and, without giving Leo either the time to speak more, he kisses him.
After a long and passioned kiss, they move their lips away, but just slightly, their foreheads touching. After a short time of soft panting, Leo talks half whispering, after all there was no reason to talk louder of it, they were very close:

"Raphie...I love all this thing you did for me..and I totally love you..but.."
He looks away, before to continue to talk:
"If ya wanna do..that..I ask you to wait, I am not ready yet..I am sorry.."

"Oh Leo.." he answers with a slight amused expression:
"Ya don't hafta worry 'bout it, I perfectly know that ya need time for everything ya do, ya snail"

Leo pouts annoyed after it, continuing to look away:
"Ha. Ha.  Very funny"

Raph chuckles at his lover face, then he takes gently his cheek:
"Ya don't hafta be sorry okay? I need time as well. Till then tho..we can do something else~.."  his grin was worrying Leo, but at the same time was making him curious:

"..and what is it?"

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