Chapter 03

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The beautiful cover is made by haju_reader. Thank you so much!!! It's really amazing!!

Her P.O.V

"You've become very weak, Yara. How long is it since you had a proper meal?" Baraha asked me while placing her palm on my forehead.

"I don't think she ate anything after coming back from the restaurant that day." Replied Jumala.

"Come, let's eat something. If that doctor wasn't there at that time, I don't even want to know what would have happened!" It was Aysha.

"Bring her to eat something." Came Aysha's mother, Aunt Rihana's voice.

"I'm not hungry, Aunty!"

"Just eat something, sweetheart!" She said coming to me and helping me to stand.

There were too many people around. I don't even know most of them but I could feel all their eyes on me till I disappear into the kitchen.

"I'll feed you." Baraha came to me with a plate in her hand. "Open your mouth." I did as I was told. Never in my life, I've felt so hard to swallow my food. I felt tears in my eyes and didn't want to hold them back. Someone came to me and gave me a side hug. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, wiping my eyes.

"I want to sleep."

I want to escape from here!

"But you still didn't eat." Said Aysha.

"I'm sleepy."

"Aysha!" Aunt Rihana's voice was stern.

"Come let's go to the room." She took me to the room and again all the eyes were on me. Some even were giving me painful smiles.


I leaned back on the bed and closed my eyes wishing that everything was just a dream...

His P.O.V

Next day, early morning I heard someone knock my room door. I thought it was our housekeeper, Labeeba, but it was Samaira.

"I'm ready to explain things to you." She said looking at me. It is something I like about my little sister. She speaks frankly. "It is not what you think, Yuhan, I'm sure..."

"I still didn't think anything, Sam." I said interrupting her.

"I know right. He was just a friend of mine. He had some doubts in chemistry. So, I was just explaining him."

"What about the two hundred thousand rupees? Term fee?" I raised a brow.


"Come inside." I said moving aside and giving her space to enter the room. "What happened to your term fee?" On hearing that, her expressions changed. I think she only have read half of my message.

"I wanted to talk to you about that." Tears gathered in her eyes and she sat on my bed.

"You can tell me anything. I swear I won't tell anybody." I assured her because she has trust issues. She trust non other than us, her own family. But sometimes, she doesn't trust us too. "I know my sister will not do anything wrong."

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