Chapter 23

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Her P.O.V

My long lost dream was coming true. I finally got a family. I decided to meet my father. It was Adham who encouraged me.

"Its gonna be okay." Said Jabir, standing beside me near the long French window. "I know him quiet well. He is a nice person."

"I still can't believe it, Jabir. It's all like a dream to me." I said looking at the busy streets of Colombo.

"I understand. I can't even think of being in your place. It's better that you decided to meet your father. Talk to him and ask everything you wanna know. Don't question yourself at any moment. Once you start questioning yourself, you'll not find an end for it. You'll only get more questions."

"I know right. My mother said me the same. She always made me talk to the person I'm angry with. She used to tell me that I can't find answers for the unasked questions."

"Yara.." It was Usama uncle, Jabir's father.

"Yes uncle?"

"Are you sure you wanna go? I'm okay with it but I just wanted to ask you again."

"I'm sure, uncle. I badly want to see him. This is still like a dream to me." He smiled patting my head affectionately.

"I'm coming too. I mean Yara might need a friend's support." Jabir said making me look at him.

He mouthed a "please."

"I don't need your support but it's okay if you come."

"Shall we go?" Asked Adham, coming towards us.

"I didn't tell Abdur Rahman that we are coming." Said Jabir's father.

"Let it be a surprise." Said Jabir.

"Hope it's a pleasant surprise. " said Usama Uncle and we all left the house.

Will he accept me?

Once you start questioning yourself, you'll not find an end for it...

I won't question myself!

The ride was silent. Non of them spoke, so I too kept quiet. My heart beated abnormally. I felt it against my ribcage.

I'm going to meet my father!

I am both excited and scared. How can I be sure that he'll like me? Will he hate me?

No, I'm not questioning myself.

You're going to meet your father, Yara. It's unbelievable. You too have a father. You can spend more time with him if you want to. Isn't it amazing? Aren't you happy?

It's questions again!

I tried to think of something different but I couldn't. Mom would've been very happy if she was here with us.

I miss you more, princess!!

"This is the house." Announced Jabir, parking the car.

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