Chapter 29

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Her P.O.V

I stepped inside the house with a heavy heart. The pain I feel right now can not be explained merely by words. Adham went home after one week of treatment but without me.

I waited everyday for him to remember me; to call me "sweetheart." But he only knew the Yara who was his sister's friend. He can't even remember that my mother passed away.

I became a mess in the last week. Not a single day I spent without shedding tears. Everyone tried to console me but I was in no mood to listen to them. They don't exactly know what I'm going through right now.

I want him to hold me; To say that I'm his forever.

My father said uncle Basheer that he'll take me home. I once wanted to stay with dad but I'm not in a state to be happy about it right now.

"I'll show you your room." Said Yuhan carrying my bag with him. "Come with me."

I had to take everything that belong to me from his room. Not even a single thing I left.

Forcing a smile, I followed Yuhan. He lead me to a room painted fully in white with wooden furnitures. I would have surely loved it if I was in a different condition.

"This room belonged to Mama. It was all her idea. We cleaned it for you." Said Yuhan.

I looked at the room again. No wonder it was her idea. She loved white. Even our house was painted in white. Placing my bag in the wardrobe, Yuhan looked at me.

"Listen girl, please don't worry and stress yourself. You need to take good care of the baby. If you want, you can take a wash. Dad's room is the next one. You can even talk to him but..."

I went to him and hugged him. All I need right now is to cry. I can't hold the pain anymore. I kept on mumbling everything that was in my mind. He continued to caress my hair. That gesture meant alot for me.

"Even-even before the accident, on that day, he-he told me that he'll be... waiting for me. But now... I'm waiting for him."

"I'm sure he'll remember you. I've seen in his eyes the love he carries for you. He's gonna come here searching for you." He tried to console me.

I pulled back from the hug, wiping my tears. His eyes too were glassy. His kurta was soaked from my tears.

"I'm-I'm sorry." I said between hiccups.

"You know What? You need some beauty sleep. Take a wash and come. I'll bring food for you." He said pinching my cheek.
I liked it but right now I only miss my Adham.

Stepping inside the attached bathroom, I opened the shower. Water droplets felt like pin pricks against my skin. The water tasted salty, mixed with my tears. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"You're nothing without Adham." Said my reflection. It is the truth. He became my everything. I feel empty without him.

Will you leave me?
I remember him asking me.

"I will never Adham." I whispered placing my hand on my stomach. It belongs to him. A part of him was inside me.

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