Chapter 13

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His P.O.V

Lies. Lies. Lies.
He again lied to me!
He could've told me that uncle Usama is my mother's brother. But instead he lied. I don't know how he learnt to lie so easily. I'm a grown up and I have all the rights to know about me.

"Listen, Yuhan, may be he lied to you because he doesn't want to hurt you. Why do you look at it all negatively?"

"Hurt? Bullshit!"

From Zoo, I directly came to my best of friends, Ibrahim's house. He and I, both met in medical college. We both became good friends when we were in the third year.

"Oh c'mon mate, whatever he did till date was to make you happy. Do you think he has some whatever hidden reason to keep those away from you? And you know right, it's not that he didn't tell you anything, he did come to you. He told you when he realized his mistakes. All I can say is, Abdur Rahman uncle is doing everything for your own good." He stood and went to the kitchen.

I know that he lied to you. But, it's all for you. You have to be glad that he told you everything once he realized his mistakes. He is broken and you are breaking him more. He is just pretending to be strong, Yuhan. You have to act more matured in this. He is your father and he knows what's best for you. If you can, try talking to him...

Yes, Anfal was right. I should talk to him. I have many things to sort out. I left Ibrahim's apartment and drove home to catch up with dad.

"Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!" I greeted loud when I entered the house. It was dad who taught us to enter the house only after greeting.

"Walaikum salam, Yuhan sir." Replied our house keeper Labeeba.

"Where's dad, aunty?"

"He is in his study. Is everything Okay, sir? You look disturbed?" She asked coming closer to me.

"I am fine, aunty. I just want to talk to dad." I replied with a smile. She is with us for more than ten years and she takes good care of us. She is more like a mother to us after Nuzrath aunty's death.

"Stay blessed, sir."

I took long steps towards the study impatiently.

"Dad?" I entered without knocking.

"Assalamu alaikum. Come in, Yuhan." He stood and came to me.

"I want to talk to you. Can we?"

"Mmm..." He thought for a while. "Yeahh sure, I'm free now." He assured with a smile. Pulling out a chair, he gestured me to sit. "What is it?"

"Uncle Usama is my Uncle right?" He was taken back. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"There's no use in hiding it from you. He is your mother's brother. He came here few weeks ago. He was abroad for years."

I closed my eyes and sighed. I'm glad that he told me the truth.
"Did you find where she is? Does uncle know?"

"No. Me and Usama tried but... we didn't lose hope yet. He has had contacts before he go abroad. He too doesn't know where she is." He said looking down at his hands. His forehead was wrinkled. The long grey beard reached till his lower chest. He looked older than his age.

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