Chapter 05

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His P.O.V

From the time I saw her, I started feeling something weird. I know that I never met her before but she looks very familiar. First I met her was, at the restaurant. She came running and bumped into me. From that time she looks familiar to me.

I was more than happy to see her today. There were so many things written in her brown orbs. She looked so much happy. The incident today, keeps replaying in my mind.

"Mrs.Adham..." Said the man next to her. If I'm not wrong, he was the one I met at her mother's funeral.

"You're Adham? Dr.Adham Basheer?" I asked him.

"Yes I am, Dr.Yuhan. How are you So?" He asked extending his hand.

"I'm fine and what about you?" I asked taking his hand in mine for a handshake.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm fine too. By the way," he turned to Anfal. "Are you Dr.Anfal?"

"Yes I am. It's nice to meet you, Adham." Replied Anfal with a smile.

"Have you both met before?" I asked confused. But my eyes travelled to the brown eyed girl.

"I recently went to her to extract my tooth." Replied Adham. "So, are you both...?" He left the rest unasked.

"Yes, we are married." Said Anfal and smiled at me.

"Two doctors! Nice match, congratulations!" He again shook hands with me.

"Congratulations!" She wished giving Anfal a hug.

"Meet my better half, Yara Adham Basheer!" Said Adham circling his arm around her shoulder and leaving me in shock.


"Congratulations to you too!" Wished Anfal as I had no words.

I started to feel something in me. I don't even know whether it's a feeling of happy or sad...

"But, she is an engineer in profession." Adham said smiling at her lovingly.

"Interesting.. it's very nice to meet you, Yara.." Anfal gave her a hug and nudged me.

"Hmm... yeah... if you don't mind, can you excuse us?" I tried to act normal.

"Sure, we too have some shopping to do. My sweet wife needs to purchase some dresses to make me fall for her all over again." Said Adham and Yara's cheeks turned into a shade of red. She entwined her fingers with his.

"Then see you guyz later!" I said giving them a smile.

"Insha'Allah!" She said looking at Anfal and shared a hug again. Both we and them parted ways in opposite direction. I heard her laugh, probably for some joke Adham cracked. Her laugh filled my ears and I felt... happy. The feeling is too foreign.

Have we met before??

"Are you sure you're Okay?" Asked Anfal for the nth time bringing me back from the past few hours.

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