Chapter 11

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His P.O.V

"I'm-I'm really sorry. But-But I got scared. I thought... i thought that something... something happened to you." She said inbetween her sobs.

"I'm the one who has to be sorry. I could've informed you. I was quiet busy." I lied for no reason.

"Till four in the morning?"
I turned to Sameer who was standing near the kitchen counter wearing a track and a tee.

My tracks!

"You never worked till four in the morning? Not even in an emergency." He walked towards us.

"But today, I had some important works to do." Another lie easily slipped my tongue.

"Don't lie, Yuhan!" It was Samaira. She was standing behind the kitchen counter. I think I did not see her because of the darkness. "We know what is your problem. We are ready to help you." She too walked towards us. I sank into the sofa behind me.

"Just speak your heart out. We are ready to listen to you." Samaira said sitting next to me.

"Why are you all awake?" I asked covering my face from my palms.

"We were waiting for you." Replied Anfal. "We care for you, Yuhan. We are your family."

"I don't know. I feel something, ... something I can't explain." I said avoiding their gazes. Anfal knelt in front of me and took my hand in hers.

Her touch did have an effect on me!

"Do you want to find your mother?" She asked making me look at her. Her black orbs were searching something in mine.

"Sameer told us that you read Dada's diaries. We want to help you." Samaira said.

"Thank you. I mean Jazakallahu Khairan so much!" I said not removing my gaze from her black orbs.

"Ahem... Ahem... is it okay if we go to sleep now?" Asked Sameer faking a yawn. Anfal stood and went to our room.

Our room...

"Yeah sure." I said stading. "But before that I have to ask you something."

"I'll surely return it in one week. I swear!" He stepped back.

"Almost all my tracks are missing, Sameer!"

"What about, Samaira? You did not tell her anything!"

"What about her? She is not like..." I trailed when I saw her tee.

My tee!

"I'm gonna kill you both if you guyz step into my room!" I scolded. Both ran to their rooms mumbling sorries.

When I stepped into my room, Anfal came out of the washroom in her PJs. She looked at me but soon went towards the bed side table averting her gaze. She took the prayer mat and spread it on the floor.

 She took the prayer mat and spread it on the floor

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