Chapter 12

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Her P.O.V

I got off the bed lazily and made my way to the washroom. At about two in the morning Adham had to go to the hospital because one of his patient had got labour pain before date.

May Allah make everything easy for him and the lady...! Ameen!

I came out after a quick bodywash and changed into a short top and a patiala bottom. Yazdhan was sitting on the sofa and studying something when I came down the stairs.

"Assalamu alaikum!" I greeted a bit louder.

"Walaikum thalam!" Out of nowhere, Urva jumped on me.

"Ya Allah!" I screamed. "I would've fallen, honey." Scooping him in my arms, I walked towards the sofa.

"But, aren't you throng?" He asked innocently.

"I am very strong. Now tell me where is Ummi and Abu? Why did they wake you up so early in the morning?"

"They woke up becauth they have to go to the rethorant." He said in his sweet voice.

"BUNNY!" I heard Suhail scream from the room. Pinching his cheek, I glared at him.

"Why, Yara?"

"You told me lies na? You told me that they went to the restaurant." I asked.

"I didn't lieeee." He dragged. "I thold that they have tho go. I didn't thell that they went." He sounded a bit angry for accusing him.

"I'm sorry!" I pouted.

"Acthepted." He got down from my arms and stood. "Ummi ith thearching me to give vithamin syrup." He whispered and ran. I turned to Yazdhan who was smiling at me.

"He is too much na, Dhathii?" He asked. I'm much happy to see that there were no traces of yesterday.

"Not like that. He is a small kid na. He is just too sweet and cute.."

"After all he is my nephew na." He said raising his collar.

"Ahem... Ahem..." I faked cough and went to the kitchen.

"... still mood out ma. All Because of Yazdhan idiot!" Aysha was saying to Aunt Rihana.

"Yazdhan can't be blamed, Aysha. That's his age mistake. You too were like that." Said Aunt Rihana.

"What's the matter, Aunty?" I joined their conversation.

"Nothing, Yara. She was saying about Khalid. He is still mood out it seems." She said feeding me a date. It is a habit of every body of this family to have a date as the first thing of the day.

"Oh.." I let them talk leaving the kitchen. Climbing up the stairs, I went directly to their room. Khalid's and Yazdhan's.

"Khalid!" I knocked.

"Khalid!" I knocked again as there was no response.

"Yes Dhathii?" He screamed from inside.

"Can you please open the door?"

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