Chapter 30

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His P.O.V

I blinked several times to make sure it's Adham in front of me.

"Assalamu alaikum." I greeted. "Come in."

"Walai...kum salaam." He was sweating all over. His breaths were uneven. "Where is.." his words died when he glanced past me. I turned, Following his gaze. He was looking at Yara who was leaning back on the sofa with her eyes closed.

She jerked and stood with her eyes widely open. I too was equally shocked. He walked to her, almost ran to her and hugged her. I blinked again trying to believe the scene unfolding  in front of me.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." I heard him say. "I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry. I-I don't know how-how did I... I'm sorry again." He kept on mumbling sorries. Her arms slowly wrapped around him.

"Please forgive me. You could've told me about us. You-you could've atleast stayed back at home." He said pulling back. Fresh tears formed in his sweat trickling face. He cupped her face with both his hands.

"But I-I know it's my-my mistake. Even I don't know whether how-how did... I'm sorry."
She only stared at him unbelievably. Her tears were wetting her small cheeks.

"I don't know what will happen..." He squeezed his eyes shut and kept a hand on his forehead. "Aaahh... my-my head...sweetheart"

"Adham.." Yara held him from falling but she wasn't strong enough. I soon walked to them and helped Yara. "Adham, Adham!" She tapped his cheek but no response.

"SAMAIRAAA!! bring water!" I yelled. We somehow carried him and made him lay on the sofa.

"What happened to him? He-he was fine a while ago."

"You're the one who..." Samaira came with a glass of water. "What's happening?"

"Get me the water." I grabbed it and sprinkled it on his face, taking some to my hand. Yara sat on the floor holding Adham's hand. He blinked but did not wake up. I soon dialled Dr.Yunus's number and informed him what happened. He told me that he'll come in 10-15 minutes.

Samaira said both Sameer and Dad about what she saw. They rushed to the living room. We carried him to Yara's room and layed him on the bed. Both Adham's family and the Doctor came at the same time.

"This is normal but did any of you tell him anything?" Asked the doctor from everyone present at the room.

"No, nothing as such happened." Said Uncle Basheer, Adham's father.

"Are you sure?" Doctor asked again. "Because I think he is forced. There is no chance to such conditions if he wasn't forced. Be glad that nothing serious happened. Anyways, I'll give him an injection  and he'll take at about eight hours to wake up. Make sure this doesn't happen again." He took his bags and was about to go but Yara stopped him.

"He recognized me. Will he recognize me when he wakes up?" I could see hope in her fragile eyes.

"I don't think he'll forget anything that happened before he faint."

Dad went with him to drop him. Yara looked at each and everyone of the family and her eyes stopped at Adham's sister, Aysha.

"Who told him? Aysh?" She asked standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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