Chapter 07

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His P.O.V

I couldn't stay at home looking at the person whom I hate the most in the world right now. He destroyed all the ways that I could possibly find my mother.

Keep her safe, Ya Allah!

"Excuse me, Dr.Yuhan?" I turned to the voice and it was non other than Shefali, A good friend of mine and working as a nurse at the same hospital as me.

"Yes, Miss.Shefali?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"What's bothering you, Yuhan? You don't look normal!" She said and sat opposite to me.

"Why? Have I got an extra nose? Or an extra eye?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Oh C'mon, Yuhan, you know what I meant. No problem." She said standing. "Someone's waiting for you at the reception."

"Who? A patient?" I asked gathering my things and standing.

" I was asked not to reveal the name." She replied and left my cabin.

Can it be dad?

I came to the ground floor curiously. This wasn't new to me but why did that person tell Shefali not to reveal his name?

"Excuse me, Teena?" I asked the receptionist. "Is there anyone here for me? Shefali informed me that someone's here to..."

"That's me!" I turned around only to meet my little sister Samaira.

"You?" I asked raising my brows. "What are you doing here? Is everything okay at the college? Do you need anything?"

"Yuhan! Yuhan! Yuhan!" She said raising both her hands. "Don't shower me with your mind blowing questions. I just came to check on you." She dropped her hands down.

Check on me? Something is wrong! The little creature in front of me, surely can not be my little sister! "Why is that?"

"Why is that?" She repeated raising her eyebrows. "You were not in your senses when you leave the house. So we got scared. Not for you but for your patients. What if you do something really bad out of anger? After all you are a doctor!"

Ya Allah, save her from me!

"Oh really? I still did nothing to my patients. I wanted to do but unfortunately, I didn't get anybody... yet." I added the last word after a pause.

"Alhamdulillah!" She sighed. "Is it? But Yuhan..."

"No Yuhan here!" I said with a smirk. "I didn't get anybody to show my anger. But you're here right? And the best thing is, youre his daughter. There is no other better person than you, to show my anger on." I gripped her wrist.

"Yuhan! What are you doing?" It was Sameer. So, both are here to check on me?

"Oh! You too are here? That's great. The Almighty has sent you both to me so that I can bestow my anger upon you two. Now I will not let this golden  opportunity slip away from my hand. I will rip you both apart and sell your organs for a better price!" I gripped Sameer's arm from my other hand.

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