Chapter 17

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Her P.O.V

I was having a nice time with both Samaira and Sabeeha. Samaira wanted me to wait until her sister-in-law come but I was getting late now. I have to go back to the sight and report everything for Kelum sir.

"I think I have to go. It's quiet late now."

"I understand." Said Samaira.

"Convey my salams to your sister-in-law. May be I can meet her another time. It's really nice meeting you two. Jazakallah so much for letting me eat with you both."

"Its our pleasure, we've to thank..."
I felt someone hold my arm and pull me up. I Squeezed my eyes shut as the person's grip tightened around my arm.

"Ouchhhh... it hur..." I swallowed rest of the words on seeing the person opposite to me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He asked gritting. His eyes were becoming red from the corners.

"How dare you touch me?" I tried to free my hand but he tightened his grip more.


"It's hurting, Yuhan." I winced. "Leave my arm."

"Yuhan!" Samaira stood. "What are you doing?"

Does she know him?

"Yuhan, leave her right now!" Said a man who stood behind Dr.Yuhan.

How dare he touch me?

I felt my eyes burn. The pain in my arm was increasing. Every pair of eyes in the restaurant were on us. He freed my arm almost pushing me back.

His eyes were full of anger and hate. I could see fire in them.

What's wrong?

"How... HOW DARE YOU DO THAT?" I yelled wiping my eyes. "What do you think of yourself?"

"What do you think of yourself?" He took a step forward fisting his hands.

Is this man insane?

"Yuhan!" Samaira whisper yelled, coming closer to us. But Yuhan ignored her. He was looking only at me.

"You think you can hypnotize me like you did with your husband? Is it?"

What? No tears Yara!

"What are you planning to do ah?"

Don't cry Yara!

"Do you want all the rich guyz in your f***ing pockets? Is that what you want? Is that what you are planning to do by following men? I came here to stay away but you came hunting here too."

Yara, he's talking nonsense. Don't cry!

"I have seen many like you! Do whatever you want but atleast respect your attire! Do you wrap that thing on your head to attract men?"

I HATE my tears because they betrayed me.

"If you want to do that, do it in some other way. Your tantrums will not work on me! Just freaking GOLD DIGGERS!"

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