Chapter 28

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His P.O.V

Circling my arms around her stomach, I nestled in the crook of her neck. Her scent was making me go crazy. She struggled to get free. She is a very ticklish girl.

I pressed her body against mine, tightening my grip. She pushed me from her elbow but all in vain. She doesn't know who I am.

"Please leave me Darlz. I'm sure dad will come now." She was giving excuses.

"Dad isn't home. He won't come now." I gave her a bite on her ear lobe for which she gasped. Thank God I saw dad leaving the house in the early morning.

"Atleast let me finish my cooking."

"So, you do like this ah? Drama queen!" I teased. Her cheeks turned pink all over again. Her cheeks are always pink when she's around me.
"And who told you not to?" I felt her smile and kissed her cheek. She's kinda drug I'm getting addicted to.

"I'm a hijabi girl, in the harami... oh oh! What's happening?" I heard Samaira and turned to her, not leaving Anfal.

"I'm romancing with my wife! Why'd you come here?" I asked playing with Anfal's hair.

"I came to make some tea for myself." She said filling the heater with water.

"Sam! You're brother isn't leaving me." Said Anfal. "Atleast you tell him na... He is such a troublemaker!"
I looked at her with my eyes wide open.

"Please don't ask me to come between you guyz. I can tolerate anything but not getting stuck between two love birds."

"SAM!" Came Sameer dancing and stopped when he saw us. "Oh my God! I can't tolerate these romance anymore. Shall I ask dad to give you both another room? That closed room?" He asked and his face changed as if he was regretting his words. The closed room he said about belongs to my mother.

"I'm romancing with my wife. What's the problem with you two?" I ignored what he said. Kissing Anfal's hair, I earned a glare from her.

"Leave it! I came to tell you to make myself also a cup of coffee." Sameer said to Samaira.

My mobile buzzed in my pocket so I had to leave Anfal to take my mobile.

"Finally!" I heard Samaira mumble. I gave her a toothy grin and checked the caller ID. It was surprisingly from Yara. She never called me before.

"Assalamu alaikum. " I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Walaikum... salam." It was a male voice. "Is this Yuhan?" The voice was hoarse.

""Yes it's me. Who are you?" I asked concerned.

"I'm Adham's brother, Khalid. Yara Dhathii and A.B..." He trailed off and for some reason I felt goosebumps.

"Khalid? What happened? What happened to Yara?"
Sameer, Samaira and Anfal, all three of them turned to me when I mentioned Yara's name.

"They-They met with an accident last night.."

"What? Where are they now? How are they?" I was getting impatient. I ran to my room to get the car keys.

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