C H A P T E R 1

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Harvey's POV,

"Hailey, Harley, Handy and Hannah, breakfast is ready" I banged the table to wake those doodle heads up.

"Coming" they all yelled in unison. I served their pancakes and bacon and set it on the table.

"Hello Mom" Hailey chuckled as she gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Ha, you wish I am your mother" I pinched her cheeks and handed her an orange juice.

"Don't flatter yourself sis" Harley took a sit beside Handy and Hannah who just waved at me as they were very excited to eat pancakes.

"Hey don't mind Harley, you're one in a million" Hannah supported me. "My cuties, hurry up and finish up your food so that we can watch a movie"

"Don't you have to go work today" Handy asked me "No, I'm off today"

We finished up our food and went to the sitting room to watch Netflix and chill.

"So what do you guys wanna watch?" Harley asked the others while I cleaned up the kitchen with Hailey.

"I feel really bad for him" Harley said as she scrolled down her phone. "Who?" I asked in curiosity.

"Dean Cyprus, that handsome billionaire, you know him right?"

"I'm not sure"

"Oh you're so old, the one that suffered a very strange amnesia that caused him to lose eighteen years of his memory" Handy added.

"Oh right, he's so sad, he's been like that since he was twenty five, it's been three years and he still thinks that he's ten, poor guy"

"What's so poor about him? He's not an innocent man. I think he deserves exactly what he's getting because when he was normal he was arrogant and obnoxious" Hailey cursed at him.

"That's not very nice to say young lady. You shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet. You really should do something else like read a book or something. If you don't know someone in person, you shouldn't say such horrible things about that person" I scolded Hailey.

"Alright mom" We all laughed and went on with our movie.

Alright, time for introduction. My name is Harvey Davidson. I am twenty three years old. I have four sisters who I really love and a sick mother who is on life support. I used to be a model but I was a part-time model and only did shoot with companies ready to sign a one month contract. I used all of the money that I earned to pay my mom's hospital bills which is around ten thousand dollars a month. She is on a special life support machine that is extremely expensive.

I worked at a small agency that helped me sign contracts. My whole career shattered because of this deal. I decided to become a better sister for my siblings. I got a job at a small registration office. During the past three years, I joined couples and made people fall in love but I never really fell in love.

Love wasn't really an option for me. I wasn't really interested in love because I had so much on my mind. I never saw myself ever falling in love. Liam is the only guy in my life and my sister's see a future with him but I don't.

He's like my best friend although he takes good care of my sisters, I don't ever see myself in love with him.

I was helping my sisters get ready for school when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door.

"Good morning Harvey" Liam flashed a twenty billion smile at me. I smiled back at him and tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Morning Liam. What brings you here so early?" I asked Liam with the brightest smile.

"I am on my way out and I'm going to pass the girls school and I figured that I'd help you out" Liam pushed his hair backwards.

"Alright but you can drop Hailey off at her friends place" I gathered everyone and got them into Liam's car.

Hailey is eighteen and she's in her final year in high school. Harley is sixteen and she's in tenth grade. Handy is still in middle school and Hannah is in elementary school.

I know that Liam is caring and all that but maybe someday, I'll learn to love to him but for now, no.

I locked my house and went off to work. On my way to work, I saw a billboard with one of my old toothpaste commercial. I sighed in sadness as I remembered walking the runway and my exhausting photoshoot.

Although I miss my old life, this is really my life now. I have to be strong for my sisters. I have to be there for them.

"Yes, I know Liam and I'll take some rest and we'll go on a vacation sometime" I had just gotten back from work and was currently on the phone with Liam.

"Are we going on vacation?" Hannah squealed. Oh no, once she hears something, you have to give it to her.

"Liam, I'm gonna put you on speaker so you can hear what you've done" I put my phone on the counter and squatted to Hannah's level.

"Sweetie, We're not going on vacation" I noticed her eyes began to get wet and I sighed in defeat.

"But I want to go on a vacation to New York" Hannah admitted as a tear dropped from her eye.

"Have some mercy on the little girl and stop being a workaholic" Hailey scolded me "Don't you agree with me, Liam?" She said to Liam who was still on the other side of my phone.

"Yes, I agree and don't you dare think about the money because I'll take care of that" Liam made it so that I couldn't refuse his offer.

"All right fine, we'll go to New York" I smiled at Hannah as she jumped up in excitement.

What will happen in New York?

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